Thursday, January 5, 2023

Wendy's Post Bag (A)

Q: Do our loved ones in Spirit visit us at special times, at anniversaries and birthdays?
Wendy's reply: Yes, they remember special celebrations they had with us and are drawn to us through memories. However, they do not want us to feel the pang of loss at what should be a happy time. Whenever we think of your loved ones in Spirit, we call them to us. Anytime, you can place a lit candle by their photograph and they will come. Sometimes, they want us to move on with our life in the here and now, and not reflect on the love they had for us if it causes us to be upset.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Richard Bandler and NLP

Richard Bandler is the co-founder (with John Grindler) of Neuro Linguistic Programming and here he is speaking with a person who has painful memories. His attitude is more comedic than therapeutic but it demonstrates the method that is used to wipe away a memory. This approach is not specifically classed as a 'therapy'.

Sunday, January 1, 2023


What is Taoism? 
Taoism was founded by a Chinese sage who worked - it is believed - as a librarian, and whose name was Lao Tsu. He lived 2600 years ago in ancient China, at a similar time to when Confucius lived. The teaching of Taoism is received through a book titled the 'Tao Te Ching', (reputedly) written by Lao Tzu who also wrote a large number of poems through which he imparted his teachings. There are many extraordinary myths about his life: that he was born fathered coupling between his mother a shooting star, and that he was born after an 82 year gestation with white hair and a long beard. The aim of the method is to achieve a high meditative and relaxed state, which provides inner harmony, poise and contentment.