Sunday, April 21, 2024

Collective Responsibility

When the ideology of any particular faith presumes to speak with authority or impose its beliefs or ideologies on those who do not hold those same views, it only breeds division, bigotry, hatred, repression, and violence; — a very dangerous way to determine social and economic policy for a nation or the world; especially in the 21st century.

A healthy belief in spiritual teachings, should manifest values based on respect, truth, compassion, mutuality, diversity, tolerance, and inclusiveness. 
Our collective scientific wisdom is telling us global warming is a major problem. We are headed toward a global population of 9 billion people; 9 billion people who will aspire to achieve a middleclass life style. Yet environmental scientists are warning our planet cannot sustainably support a middleclass standard of living for roughly one billion people. In other words, we are already 6 billion people beyond sustainability. Ignoring reality is a form of ignorance that we can no longer tolerate.

Our collective wisdom is telling us we are running out of inexpensive energy sources. Our collective scientific wisdom is clear. Our human species is directly responsible for the extinction of other living species on our planet. They have survived since the Dawn of time, now to be made extinct through human population taking their habitat from them. We are running out of fresh water and fresh air, our forests are on fire and land is being commissioned to grow plants and provide for animal ranches. Cancers in the rich west are running at 50%. We are ignoring the evidence. We are ignoring reality.

The evidence warns us that we are clearly headed toward biological, ecological and social crisis. We are embracing a form of collective ignorance that demonstrates our foolishness. 
We are in a dangerous, collective denial of reality and are 
refusing to acknowledge that "unlimited economic expansion" is a fairytale myth currently embraced by every government on the planet.

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