Thursday, November 30, 2023

In a Personal Correspondence (Abridged) - Julian Doyle

If Jesus was a God then he cannot have been killed - you can't kill a God or I doubt if you can even make him bleed. If he died then he was not a God. If he resurrected then he just joins all the hundreds of resurrections in the Bible. But of course, we know that resurrection is a semi masonic resurrection using the Lion’s paw grip.

When Jesus tells his disciples “Lazarus is dead”, Thomas says, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” What can Thomas possibly mean by that? The answer comes from the rituals of the Freemasons. In third degree initiation the Lodge is darkened and the novitiate, who is about to be made a Master Mason, is laid to death under a shroud with a skull and crossed bones over his head. Then while one Master offers a secret grip, the novitiate is hinged up from the grave by the Masters, as the magic words are said, resurrecting him back to life as a Master Mason. That would certainly make sense as to why the others would want to die and be resurrected into the next stage of initiation.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Scandinavian Lagom

"Moderation, centredness, natural, wellbeing, ease of life, good-enough, middle of the road, sustainable, balance, simplicity, harmony, contentment, and connection".

These words above encompass the Swedish philosophy, called "LAGOM" often translated as 'not too much - not too little'. It is a practice that enjoys social norms. All excess, greed and dysfunctional behaviour does not fit this way of life. Lagom shows consideration towards others and encourages self sufficiency, a comfortable home and work life, and quality relationships. The secret is to take regular breaks for self care and relaxation described as 'fiken' translated as time out. One finds meaning and values when exploring Lagom; contributing and volunteering are important to creating a Lagom society. It is a way of life that is suitable for our future ecological world by caring for the planet, its people and other species. Developed from the 8th century Viking world, we realise the Vikings were not the crazy people we thought they were, but a people who were disciplined, intelligent and caring.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Matthew Fox

Who is Matthew Fox
Father Fox is a theologian, writer, and teacher who emphasises the importance of our planet and its species, under the banner of Creation Spirituality. He was a Roman Catholic monk of the Dominican Order for 34 years but was dismissed for heresy by Cardinal Ratzinger. So he became an Episcopalian priest and continued his teaching and writing, winning many awards and accolades.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Loneliness - Ben Lazare Mijuskovic

Mind Body & Soul Ezine Book Review: Feeling Lonesome - The Philosophy and Psychology of Loneliness by Ben Lazare Mijuskovic PhD published by Praeger, 204 pages. 

This is a meaty academic study for serious students of this subject. It discusses the major viewpoints of great thinkers from ancient times to the modern day. This book explains who we are and why we are the way we are, how loneliness is innate and how it has inspired, motivated and created us. God, time, sanity, war and other subjects are tackled by this world specialist, Dr Ben Mijuskovic.

Check out the videos of Brunel University Symposium:
Feeling Lonesome' follows on the heels of 'Loneliness in Philosophy, Psychology and Literature' by the same author - now in its third edition. 

'Feeling Lonesome' is a good buy for the student of life or as a gift for a psychologist including those who feel lonely and want to understand themselves better. For more information about Dr Mijuskovic and his work, visit:


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Meister Eckhart

Who was Meister Eckhart?
He was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic in the late £13 century when there was conflict between many religious groups. He was accused of heresy but died before being sentenced. His sermons featured aspects of contemplation and of detachment:

Sunday, November 12, 2023


What is psychodrama? 

Jacob L Moreno (1889-1974) created this technique for gaining insight into relationships that are buried in the unconscious. A New York psychiatrist, social scientist and polymath, his very early interest in theatre in Vienna led to psychodrama as a form of therapy around 1910 and it became very popular in the 1960s and 70s amongst the personal growth movement. Moreno was a pioneer and early psychotherapist. His work is profoundly interesting and reveals many aspects of the way we relate to others, especially family members. His writing is of great interest to those who follow his innovative understanding of interpersonal relationships and is well worth further study. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

Kathleen Ball PhD - Templars in Brazil

Dr Ball has been filming in Alto Paraiso de Goias for the second season of her discovery of 700 year old hand carved caves that reveal the presence of the Poor Soldier Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon in this extraordinary region. She has met tribal people from the area who have ancestors amongst this ancient order of knights.
The first series won many awards and was acclaimed by prestigious organisations for highlighting aspects of the unknown history of this area and harmony amongst nations.   
She is also raising awareness of the difficulties facing these people who live close to the land and who suffer many deprivations. 
For more information, read on: 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Thomas Traherne

Who was Thomas Traherne?
Living from 1636 - 1674, Traherne was an English writer, mystic and religious teacher. His still popular book 'Centuries of Meditations' provides sincere moments of life to nourish and inspire. His biography is appreciated by many around the world. The attainment of a state of bliss was to experience being in the moment, to love all that is good and beautiful, and to seek and love the truth. His work influenced the Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, C S Lewis, and others. 

Wendy's Dream Column (1)

Dream: I'm in a flat overlooking the sea and my boyfriend is on an oil rig. I can see him but the sea is between us. I long to be with him. Later, I am looking from the window and he arrives in a car. I so want to see his face but a van parks in the way. PD Slough
Wendy's reply: Bridge the Gap! When you see him does he remain distant and unavailable? There could be something between you that is too deep for him to speak of. There are times when you could see him but things get in the way. They could be got round eventually. He may have slipped into bad habits or have a fear of commitment. If he is not fulfilling your needs for love and intimacy, you may have to look for a man who can give these to you.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

NLP - Part 1

In my experience there are several factors that can prevent people from getting what they want in their lives, whether in business or in other areas:

- Lack of clear goal & evidence
- Not addressing the benefits of the current situation (aka. secondary gain)
- Familiarity of the current situation (a particularly sneaky benefit)
- Lack of belief and/or limiting beliefs

In Robert Anton Wilson's book Prometheus Rising , he models the mind as having two main parts; a thinker and a prover. The thinker is extremely flexible, and can think any number of things. The thinker can think the earth is flat; the thinker can think the earth is spherical. It can think all men are poison; it can think all men are essentially good. The thinker can think that women are intuitive and men are rational; it can think the opposite. It can think that there isn't enough to go round; it can think we live in a world of unlimited abundance. The thinker can think pretty much anything. The prover is much more predictable: what the thinker thinks, the prover proves.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Ching Tso - Chinese Meditation

The Chinese term for meditation is 'Ching Tso', which translated means 'sitting still with a peaceful mind'. Meditation is the training of the inner senses of the body and mind. It is as rigorous as the training undertaken by an athlete or an artist. By helping us to think clearly and concentrate fully, Ching Tso enables us to commune totally with our God, without distracting or artifical thoughts. The highest and most advanced goal of meditation is to gain 'enlightenment'. We want to go beyond the limitations of our knowledge and our three-dimensional view of the world.