Saturday, September 7, 2024

Gestalt Introjection

What is Gestalt Introjection? Introjection is a Gestalt psychological term, implying a readiness - without sufficient assessment - to internalise ideas that belong to other people. Ideas can involve beliefs, including false beliefs. There are many Gestalt terms for unconscious material which is deemed toxic. Only material in awareness can be considered healthy or useful. By uncovering our 'real' selves through awareness, we lose discomfort in our own neuroses.
Clients are often guided to dialogue with different subpersonalities, such as 'alternate chair technique'.  

Save our Bees!

Despite the US and the UK resisting, bee campaigners are celebrating the European Union prohibition on the use of systemic pesticides which have been demonstrated to be toxic to bees. A total of 15 of the 27 European member states voted for a 2 year ban on neonicotinoids and 300,000 people in the UK signed a petition to bring in a ban. Most bumblebee species are declining and 6 species have suffered an 80% reduction in numbers in recent years. In the past 100 years, 20 British bee species have become extinct and 35 British bees are currently at risk of extinction. This is due to several factors, not just the chemicals which reduce their immune system capabilities, but loss of habitat plays a large role as does the removal of honey from hives and replacing it with sugar water which provides none of the valuable nutrients for bees throughout the winter, and does not provide the antibacterial that is needed for them to fight diseases. With 98% of wild flower meadows vanishing since 1950, we need to plant flowers that will help bees to thrive. They play a crucial role in plant pollination.  

Thursday, September 5, 2024

E. F. Schumacher

A New Age style philosopher, Fritz Schumacher (1911-1977) was a exponent of pacifism, monetary advisor to governments, and he created a new economics of material reductionism which cares for the planet and for people, especially those most in need in society. He was influenced by Buddhism and by Gandhi. His book 'Small is Beautiful' (1973) is based on the reasoning that less is more in a society which is generally unhappy despite its material wealth and 'A Guide for the Perplexed' is a best selling explanation of capitalism.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Oracle card reading for September

The first card is number 11 and is titled ‘Elephant’ and is taken from Animal Voices by Chip Richards with the keywords ‘Responsibility, Cooperation and Empathy'. Elephants have one of the closest and most loyal family groups in the world. They live together for up to 80 years. They baby-sit each other’s off-spring and if a mother is unwell, others bring food and protect it until it is well again. When an elephant dies, the others cover it with brush and branches. Passing herds stop to offer respect – even if they did not know the individual. Elephants bring great blessings. Their trumpet reminds you that you are a force for good in the world. Ask for help when you need it and look for ways to help others. Take time to say ‘thank you’ to someone who has helped you. Return the kindness by helping them where you can.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Paul Tillich


Howard Thurman


Maxwell Maltz

 Who was Maxwell Maltz? Information on Psycho-Cybernetics described in this video

IPV intimate partner violence


What is IPV?



Japanese formula for happiness - a reason for being - a purpose! 
All 4 components detailed here

Attention Deficit Disorder

What is ADD? This video explains!

Preoccupied Attachment


Enneagram Training

Role Modelling


Why role models and mentors are important!

Rapid Transformational Therapy


What is RTT? Explanation here! 

The Balance Procedure

What is The Balance Procedure? This video explains!

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy


What is DBT? This video explains!

LomiLomi Foot Massage Demonstration

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Brain Waves

Electrical instruments (electroencephalographs) are commonly used by medical people to evaluate mental states. These instruments measure the neuron firing rates of groups of brain cells.  These firing rates are commonly thought to control mental states.  Beta, alpha, theta and delta are terms that medicine uses to indicate the rates of brain cell firing and the corresponding mental states associated with them.

Pagans and Ecology

Making generalised statements about Pagans is rarely a good idea as Pagans are incredibly diverse. My current working definition for Paganism(s) is recreated, reconstructed and/or reimagined indigenous traditions from around the world, many of which see the sacred in the landscape. So Paganism isn’t just one tradition, but many, from all sorts of different origins around the world. 

One of the causes for the differences you might find in Pagan traditions is the very landscape they originally emerged in, because, in different landscapes, with diverse ecological conditions, the way people perceive and interact with that landscape will vary.

It is fair to say that a great many traditions see the sacred in the landscape, which means that interacting with that landscape equates to interaction with the sacred. As the sacred is very important, a great many Pagans will be keen to see and work for a more sustainable way of living- a way of living that is less likely to damage the local environment and more likely to honour it. This may take the form of activities to clean up rubbish left in waterways, forests and open land, by others. It may take the form of protesting against business that could be considered to damage the landscape- hydraulic fracturing (fracking), building on greenbelt land or destruction of ancient woodland. It could take the form of guerrilla gardening activities, permaculture or simply in tending to their own gardens. But running through all those activities is an understanding that the land is sacred, that we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, but borrow it from our children. Of course, these kinds of activities are not the sole province of Pagans. But a key motivator for Pagans to engage in them is that recognition of the sacred in nature.

Friday, August 30, 2024

A Different Kind of Religious War

"Who do you say that I am?" asked Jesus of his disciples. And the rest of humankind has been struggling to answer that question ever since.

The art of storytelling by Eli Anderson

Eli Anderson says: I believe that everyone is a storyteller and that stories are a global heritage. I have been writing for over 35 years, and have also been involved in publishing.

I am a master of the art of storytelling, a poet and coach with 'eAkan'. I have arranged a variety of lectures and workshops which include performance craft, musical theory, eldership, healthcare, storytelling, community education, mindfulness and poetry therapy and I arrange and deliver a variety of workshops where I mentor performers and musicians.

Ibn Arabi


Who was Ibn Arabi? 

Ibn Arabi was a Sufi spiritual love poet (an interpreter of longing poetry) and writer who was inspired by the divine spirit. He is known as The Meccan Revelator who studied astrology, letters, numbers, symbolic geometry,  and esoteric sciences. The Wisdom of the Prophets was revealed to him in a single night. He was born in 1165 in SE Spain and tutored by an aged woman. In 1198, when he was 33, Ibn Arabi had a vision and a Divine Command to visit Cairo and Jerusalem. In 120, he arrived in Mecca where he stayed for 2 years. He then travelled to Baghdad and Mosul, and lived in Eastern Turkey where he met the son of Saladin in Aleppo. He spent his last years in Damascus, dying in 1240. He is most well known for his One es of being - a doctrine that espouses that only God exists, all else is illusion. 

Thank you!

To be remembered and recognised, we need to make people feel good about themselves. Well an easy way to do this is simply to say 'thank you'. So start to look for how and where you can be more grateful'. 'Thank you for your help', 'thanks for telling me that', 'thank you for letting me know', 'thank you for just being around', 'thank you for thinking of me'.

Even if you don't like what you're being told say "hmm, thanks for telling me that, now what about etc.". Say Thank you first. It means that the first thing you say isn't negative.

Indigenous Kogi Shamans

Perhaps you have never heard of the Kogi people or knew that they regard themselves as the Elder Brothers to the rest of the world? However, the leaders of this tribe from Colombia, who are known as the “Mamas,” spoke out in a BBC documentary back in 1990. From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers’ Warning was directed by Alan Ereira, and was made as an urgent message for the people of the world, in the hope that big changes would be made.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Voices of the Sacred Feminine

Book Review: Voices of the Sacred Feminine – Conversations to Re-Shape Our World, Edited by Rev Dr Karen Tate, Published by Changemaker Books. 400 pages 
This is an anthology of specially chosen articles about the Divine Feminine, each between approx. 400 – 1,000 words in length. All articles cover some aspect of the goddess and are derived from many cultures, for instance, sacred activism, social change, planetary welfare, healing, empowerment and mutual support, in addition to challenges to major patriarchal religious thought. 

Letting Go - A Sample Ritual

 We all have things in our life that are outmoded, no longer useful or just a nuisance. Letting go of difficult people, things or situations can be a process that takes time. If you have something you want to change, performing a ritual for 'letting go' can make it happen quicker and easier. Using string or cotton, tie one end to yourself and another to another person representing someone or something you wish to be released from. Call out your discomfort and feelings of control and entrapment. Cut the tie that binds you and speak about how free you are and use affirmations 'I am free'. 

The Grail - Relic of an Ancient Religion

Article written by the author, Simon Andrew Stirling: 
“The Grailwas written by me with an unspoken idea ever in mind – that paganism is the belief system of the future. Modern paganism is often a reaction to organised religion, with its intolerance and inconsistencies, and to the destructive materialism of a capitalist world.  The paganism practised by earlier societies was nothing less than a matter of survival.  Without water, for example, we die very quickly.  Along with those other elements – air, fire, earth – water, clean drinking water, is an absolute must.  And yet our attitudes to water are odd: we have commercialised it, privatised it, polluted it and treated it with chemicals.  Ever since shrines were de-sacralised during the Reformation, water has been nothing but a commodity.  An early pagan would be unable to comprehend our reckless behaviour towards the water we need to survive.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is often shortened to PTSD. It can occur following an accident, a crime, a bad experience of any kind. Anyone can suffer from it if the stresses are great enough. It can have physiological and psychological causes, such as sleeplessness, nightmares, panic attacks, free floating anxiety, tearfulness, loss of memory, feelings of anger, depression and distress. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Increasing Your Contentment

1. Let of toxic people in your life- in my experiences, they drain me of vital life energy. I found healthy relationships are better.

2. Let go of fretting about past mistakes- forgive yourself and move on.

Mexican Independence - The Life And Times Of Hidalgo

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, born in 1753, is regarded today as "Father of his country", a great hero of Mexico and a central figure in the war of independence. Upon further examination it is simple to see why he is regarded as such an important part of Mexico's history; he is recognized as being the first leader in Mexico to lead an insurrection against the Spaniards on Mexican soil. Indeed, he was the catalyst for the legions of poor and oppressed in Mexico to finally revolt against the tyranny of the Spaniards occupying Mexico. While many biographies would paint Hidalgo and his actions in a heroic light, the truth is that his "army" was nothing more than a massive mob of mobilized peasants who'd been pushed to the edge due to Spanish rule. It can be argued that he was simply savvy enough to realize that he only need to push the angry and disenfranchised populace gently to get them to reach the breaking point; no fiery rhetoric or galvanizing speeches were necessary, the anger was already boiling just below the surface. Hidalgo was the one who tapped into it and made it into a physical force.

Martine Batchelor - Buddhist teacher

As a young person, Martine was politically active due to her socialist family background. She wanted to travel and hitchhiked through many countries on her way to India and Thailand and worked in an unskilled capacity to support herself. She stayed in a Buddhist monastery in Korea for 10 years and became a nun. She had prolonged periods of deep meditation and solitude and studied under a Zen tutor and was instructed to ask herself 'What Is It?' and later 'Why did the guru say 'no'!' She learnt to 'bear beyond strength'. It is not what you say you are - but what other people find you to be which is of relevance and wisdom and compassion motivated her. She wishes to live without harm to others or herself. When her Master died, she left the monastery and returned to Europe. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Moods Do you have them?

To paraphrase Wikipedia... "A mood is a relatively long lasting emotional state. Moods differ from emotions in that they are less specific, less intense, and less likely to be triggered by a particular stimulus or event. Moods generally have either a positive or negative valence. In other words, people typically speak of being in a good mood or a bad mood. Unlike acute, emotional feelings like fear and surprise, moods often last for hours or days.
Mood also differs from temperament or personality traits which are even longer lasting. Nevertheless, personality traits such as optimism and neuroticism predispose certain types of moods. Long term disturbances of mood such as depression and bipolar disorder are considered mood disorders. Mood is an internal, subjective state, but it often can be inferred from posture and other behaviors."

Richard Bandler and NLP

Richard Bandler is the co-founder (with John Grindler) of Neuro Linguistic Programming and here he is speaking with a person who has painful memories. His attitude is more comedic than therapeutic but it demonstrates the method that is used to wipe away a memory. This approach is not specifically classed as a 'therapy'.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Recycle, Renovate and Restore

What should be recycled?
Aluminium foil, batteries, cans and tins, cooking oil, electrical equipment, engine oil, glass, mobile phones, paper, printer cartridges, Tetra Pak cartons, tyres, paint, plastics, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, etc.
Home composting involves garden leaves, food waste, paper, etc. These biodegradable items can be saved from incineration and will provide good quality soil for the next year. Much of the soil on sale in garden centres is from irreplaceable peat bogs from places such as Ireland, so try to buy, if you must, non peat soil. Limestone pavements are also popular rocks seen in garden centres which are precious natural habitats, and get a water butt for the collection of rainwater.

Thomas Merton

Who was Thomas Merton? He lived (1915-1968) and was a writer, an interfaith pioneer, a pacifist, a student of comparative religion, and campaigner for social justice. He studied at Cambridge and Columbia Universities and travelled extensively in his early life as an agnostic. In his twenties, he became a convert to Roman Catholicism and became a Trappist monk at Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky. This Order is very strict, the monks live in silence and without any luxuries. During this time, Merton wrote his biography, 'The Seven Storey Mountain'. His philosophy was based on renunciation and asceticism, two pillars which are necessary for spiritual enlightenment. In all, he wrote 70 books. He is remembered as a great thinker and a peace promoter.

An Overview of the Structure in Afar Poetry by David Tatham

The Afar are an ethnic group living mainly in Eritrea, Djibouti and Ethiopia who have contributed some of the world's most imaginative and beautiful poetry. Unfortunately, they are often overshadowed by their Somali neighbours but deserve recognition for their outstanding creativity. The general verse structure in Afar poetry consists of one complete sentence. This sentence then creates an automatic parallelism due to the verse structure and its intonation. This is also further emphasized through other means of verse structure i.e. through a rhythmic formation and isosyllabic rule.

Yoga Living

Derek Thorne lives in the Somerset area and runs a yoga school. From an early age, he sought the meaning of life in addition to living in the world as a practical and capable person. Eastern religions captivated him and yoga offered a way to explore his questioning about life and provided a personal intimacy with the self, the 'I' within. It also provides a good model for the modern age, to avoid and relieve many ills of our stressed and dysfunctional society. Yoga brings people into relationship for the divine and provides a spiritual resolution to many of life's greatest questions and concerns. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Environment Health

Permaculture offers a natural and sustainable gardening philosophy, developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in 1978, it has taken off as a means of looking after plants and animals holistically and organically. Energy is conserved, rain water is used rather than reservoir water, natural compost is used too. Prince Charles, next in line to the British throne, is very interested in using these permaculture methods. Three core laws apply:

  • Care for the earth: Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply. This is the first principle, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot flourish.
  • Care for the people: Provision for people to access those resources necessary for their existence.
  • Return of surplus: Reinvesting surpluses back into the system to provide for the first two ethics. This includes returning waste back into the system to recycle into usefulness. The third ethic is sometimes referred to as Fair Share to reflect that each of us should take no more than what we need before we reinvest the surplus.

Coping Skills

Helplessness, anger, and feelings of being out of control are common following emergencies. Depression can also follow, and lead to exhaustion which compounds the already difficult situation. Stressed minds can only come to stressed conclusions and a disordered mind does not make sensible decisions. Advice: Get into nature, see friends and speak to them about your problems, seek professional advice and take it. Build you own immunity to stress during quiet times, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. You can cope better, regardless of your experiences and difficulties.

Craniosacral Specialist

Hugh Milne is Scottish and was born into a family of Osteopaths (his mother, father, grandfather and 2 uncles). Became a highly successful private specialist in Kensington early in his life but was hearing the voice of Spirit and became interested in psychodrama, gestalt, rolfing and other therapies and personal growth disciplines. Travelled to Bombay and met Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh (Osho) and spent seven years as the guru's bodyguard, in India and in Oregon. He returned to UK to become a writer, spiritual teacher and specialist practitioner.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

Jenni Roditi interview

I would like to introduce Mind Body Spirit Magazine readers to Jenni Roditi: 
Please tell us something about yourself Jenni:

I’m a vocalist and composer and I live in North London. I studied composition at the Guildhall and Brunel University, which I adored and which provided me with the technical tools which still underpin my musical work. I’ve written two chamber operas, and a variety of other orchestral and choral works, and continue to compose alongside my teaching and therapeutic practice.

Before 4000BC

Around this date, patriarchal culture began to supercede the previous matriarchal cultures. The most ancient deity was a female, known as the Great Goddess, and her full figure statuettes are found internationally and described as 'Venus' figurines. She was described as Ishtar in Mesopotamia, as Astarte in Phoenecia, as Iset in Egypt. It is said that her culture was peace loving, where the weak and disabled were cared for and where the planet was regarded as sacred. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Benefits Of Alpha

What are Alpha Waves? 
When you start practicing meditation you open brain faculties which haven't been used since your childhood.

Tips To Live A Successful Life

Everyone seeks the secrets of success - and most have their own opinions of what fulfilment is. There is no clear-cut formula, although here are some tips on how to live a successful life: For example, Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own. All throughout life, we are educated and forced to learn things. Not all of these things will be useful. Take everything you know will be good for you. Then, discard the rest. One should note that the reason things are taught in school is because you and your classmates will have different roles in the future. The algebra might be useful to a future architect classmate, but absolutely useless to a newspaper writer. It is up to you to discern which information is good for you, and which are not.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Yoko Ono & Sean Lennon Against Fracking

Artists Against Fracking has been launched by Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon as a new coalition of artists, musicians, filmmakers and public figures opposed to hydraulic fracking. The growing coalition now includes more than 180 members, including Lady Gaga, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Anne Hathaway, Alec Baldwin, Marina Abramovic, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cindy Sherman, MGMT, Wilco, Bonnie Raitt, Liv Tyler, Mario Batali, Roberta Flack, Robert De Niro, Mark Ruffalo, Uma Thurman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and many others.

The Political New Age Toxicity

What do our politicians want from the electorate?…. They want us to be compliant!  How do they get it? By dumbing down the ability of the ordinary person to think critically! 

We all make important political decisions based on news headlines. The more a politician is in the news, for whatever reason - even for bad publicity - the greater their popularity and the more they are worth. When they lose their MP seat, they get a well paid sinecure on the board of a lucrative bank, big pharma, a chemical, industrial, or armaments manufacturer, in the media, in construction, tech company, etc. 

Politicians who have taken us to war, sell books, after dinner talks, they invite their supportive friends to sit in the House of Lords and they can enter royal privilege as a Garter Knight, as did Tony Blair. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Disappearing Wildlife Red Alert

The African Lion and the Sunda Clouded Leopard could be extinct within a few years due to lack of food and water in the wild caused by changing weather conditions. 
In 1979, Africa had 1,300,000 wild Elephants, today, there are 400,000 alive and the land is guarded by park rangers and it is estimated more than 1,000 rangers have been killed by armed militia groups in the past ten years trying to protect them.

23 tonnes of Elephant Ivory was confiscated in 2012 - equivalent to the tusks of 2,500 Elephants. Seizures of illegal ivory are at their highest for 20 years  The price of Rhino horn has increased to £37.500 per kilogram, twice the price of gold and platinum (and more valuable than black market diamonds or cocaine). The illegal trade in wildlife is one of the most lucrative trades in the world, worth £6,000,000,000 per year and is ruthless in its quest. Animals are viciously killed and people are also killed. This trade is fueled by the new middle classes of the Far East, Vietnam is the top destination point for Rhino horn where they trade in carcass, tusk and horn, in one haul 1,200 Rhino tusks were seized in Hong Kong. Approx 5,000 Rhinos remain in the wild. The species is 50 million years old! 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Thomas Merton

Who was Thomas Merton?
Lived from 1915 to 1968, Thomas Merton was given the name Father Louis when he entered holy orders as a Trappist monk, theologian, mystic, poet and student of comparative religions with a deep interest in interfaith dialogue. His work on social justice and peace initiatives brought many to the Roman Catholic Church. His best selling autobiography 'The Seven Storey Mountain. 


What is Narcissism? 
This is a common condition. They are your work colleagues, your family and friends, your neighbours and others than you come into contact with throughout the day. The condition is often abbreviated to NPD, the shortened form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. We all have some aspects of these personality traits, especially when we are upset or under stressful situations. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


What is Pulsing Therapy? 

Pulsing as a style of massage with soft movements and rhythmic rocking. It gently releases tension, harmonises, energises, and nourishes. It is bodywork without being painful. It is powerful yet soft.

Rhythms are the breath, peristaltic digestive rhythms, the heart beat, the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, brain rhythms, hormonal, endocrine and many others within the body and mind.  

Pulsing was developed in the mid 1970s by Curtis Turchin who was originally a Postural Integration therapist. He took some aspects of the Trager Approach to create a stretching and lifting style of bodywork to rock the client's body in order to release tension and stress. It is Rhythmic and meditative. Ideal to relax hyperactive children, Aspergers and other disabilities.  Releases tension! 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

How to Find Peace Of Mind

 Research confirms that each of us have about fifty thousand thoughts each day. Many of these whizz through our field of consciousness at such speed that we don't notice them. Then there are those that we do notice that are simply random - the kind of things that distract us or make us lose our train of thought. Such thoughts - like "It's a beautiful day, I wish I was on the golf course instead of stuck in this meeting" - undermine our best efforts to do what we're supposed to be doing at that point in time.

Carl Jung - Helping Psychology

Extraversion-Introversion is a key component of what makes up the human personality. More aggressive and gregarious individuals are generally referred to as extraverts, while introverts tend to prefer solitude and worry less about being social. By no means are introverts lonely people, they simply prefer to socialize and work in smaller groups. Extraverts live to meet new people and constantly expand their circle of friends, and they often do this quite actively.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Saving Planet Earth

We cannot save the world by thought alone. It needs action. 
We live on a planet which is overpopulated by human beings. Most people feel powerless to do anything to save our planet from climate change with extreme weather, pollution of seas, soil and air. The over population by humans decreases numbers of all other species, sometimes to the point of extinction. We need biodiversity, we need tropical forests, we need clean oceans and clean air for our health and the health of those yet to be born.
However, even the smallest change, when a nation gets involved, can make a huge difference. Our human population has grown from 3 billion in 1960 to 9 billion by 2030.

Sacred Attention Therapy


New Age Spirituality!

What is New Age Spirituality?

Spirituality involves the relief of suffering! It is a practice, a path and a duty. It is an integrity which is integrated into the character and behaviour.

Neurosis is the inability to understand reality. We need to question more and the word 'why' is perhaps the most important word in the English language. We need to avoid colluding with untruths, and we need to question all we are told! Consumerism wants to brainwash us and prevent us from thinking for ourselves! The New Age promises us all kinds of things, especially it tells us what we want to hear! It also tells us to think 'positive', even though it might be against our better judgement and our long term interests. 'You can have it all', we are cajoled by those who think we are naive, or worse, stupid! They speak about us in perjorative terms whilst encouraging us to put money in their pockets. Beware!