Thursday, February 22, 2024


There are always posts on social media about narcissism and psychopathy, but bullying is a symptom, often seen from childhood that develops - if allowed to and not addressed - into a personality disorder that includes these two very common traits. 

Bullying features extraordinary strategies that are easily identified. It is amazing that young children display these strategies, but if we look at dogs especially and other pack animals, such as apes and chimps, we see these strategies are being portrayed. Humans are also pack animals and bullying is a pack animal behaviour. 

Bullying involves a perpetrator and a victim and the bully uses personal attacks, put-downs, invalidations, accusations, name calling, blaming, intimidation, aggression, threats, criticisms and judgements, shaming, slander or libel, in fact, anything that controls and undermines the victim’s confidence, and removes their standing and credibility in the eyes of others, so they are silenced and left powerless and distraught. It is very stressful for the victim who will often suffer mental health problems, such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression and loss of self esteem, and inability to concentrate. They may also have physical illness related to stress, and often they don’t do well in school or in the workplace, taking time out to avoid the bully. The perpetrator feels all powerful and satisfied with their abilities to cause trauma. Usually jealousy is the cause! 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


   This is an excellent video on Hellerwork (founder Joseph Heller) which is a body therapy which releases and realignes the body so that the body can work well and comfortably. When this is done, the emotions and mind automatically feel better. The method is suitable for repetitive strain injury or for long term structural pain caused through an accident but here, working on the theory of body armouring through emotional distress, the muscles and joints tense and result in stored tention which can be released through bodywork. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Jalal ad-Din Rumi

Who was Rumi? 
His life dated from 1207 - 1273, a writer, teacher, Sufi mystic from Persia. His father was a religious teacher and he studied under a Sufi master, a mystic practice that seeks to unite to the divine within the Godhead, a mystical journey and transpersonal attainment. His work became the basis for the Mevlevi Dervish Order which has music from the Afghan and Iranian traditions. 

Are you a Perfectionist?

Perfectionism can be disabling with attendant anxiety and low self of self esteem. The Nirvana Fallacy is an academic definition. For many, perfectionism is painful and the person is very tough on themselves. Of course, we need surgeons, vehicle drivers, and other professionals that do their work to the highest standards. However, we also need to be kind to ourselves, to understand that our health and wellbeing must be given priority as this helps us to be high achievers and accomplish a great deal in all areas of our life. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Whirling Dervishes

This whirling dance of the dervishes is conducted to produce a trance state where the dancers gain meditation union with the Divine. The word 'dervish' is a 'holy man' of the Islamic faith who follows the mystic path of the Sufis. The dervish, Jalal al Din Rumi, was taught whirling by Shams of Tabriz. He was a Sufi poet from Persia was born in Northern Afghanistan in 1207 and wrote 25000 poems of great wisdom and profound spirituality, often based on love and transporting the reader to mystical states. Rashad Field travelled widely through the Himalayas and also studied Sufism in Turkey where he was initiated into the Mevlevi Order of Dervishes. He is the author of a series of esoteric books which are highly recommended for those interested in mysticism. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Richard Barratt on Communal Values

Instead of being 'The Best IN the World', we need to be thinking of being 'The Best FOR the World!' Richard Barratt was a Civil Engineer for 20 years and then became involved in Eastern Philosophy, the work of Abraham Maslow and the importance of personal and societal transformation. To transform ourself - and our world - our soul needs to be activated. Our conditioning creates discontent, but by working on ourself, we become contented. He suggests there are 7 levels of consciousness which lead to a new paradign for leadership. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Who was Origen of Alexandria?

I would like to introduce readers to this philosopher. His name was Origen and he lived from 185-254AD. He was a writer and teacher of early Christianity and is considered to be the Father of Christian mysticism. He believed in reincarnation and the three aspects of the trinity, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He believed that those in power should pray, yet not pray for material goods but a better understanding of God. 

Friday, February 2, 2024

The Consciousness Revolution by Ian Legg

Bruce Lipton speaking about consciousness! The human brain has an estimated 100 billion neurons. Each neuron consists of a vast collection of atoms and an even vaster collection of subatomic particles. It operates like a computer but is much more powerful. Most office computers have the capacity to community with outside computers such as vast data banks, through a "modem" connected to a telephon line. The human mind, under certain circumstances, appears to have this same capacitiy. It appears that it can be triggered to interact with other minds and universal forces. Famed psychologist Karl Jung called this the "Universal Consciousness". World famous Biologist Rupert Sheldrake refers to it as the morphogenetic field. We call it The Super Mind