Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Quantum Psychology

What is Quantum Psychology?

From its New Age roots, a new, holistic psychology is emerging that examines the individual parts of our human nature, and then puts them together into one, comprehensive whole. The result is new insights into our human nature and our ability to transform ourselves, the societies within which we live and the planet.

The "puzzle pieces" that make up Quantum Psychology come from Eastern philosophy and Western science. The East contributes the knowledge and practices associated with yoga, meditation, karma and reincarnation. Western science contributes the insights into the natural world that come from quantum mechanics, complexity theory, systems theory and psychology. Fit all the pieces together and what emerges is a psychological map that explains personal growth and techniques that allow us to be our own counselors, therapists and gurus.

One of the fundamental insights of quantum psychology is that our bodies are smarter than we have previously thought and our expectations of what is possible are too low. Encoded in our DNA, and hard-wired into our brains, is a brilliant learning program that knows how to produce personal growth at the level of transformation. This program gives us a simple way to heal our psychological wounds, free ourselves from the past, improve our everyday lives, and evolve higher levels of awareness.

What has been known in the East as the Tao, with the addition of Western science, has become the Quantum Path of personal growth. Following the Quantum Path involves the practice of two techniques that are simple, but not always easy. Quantum Technique One frees us from the past, not by talking about our problems, but by communicating with our unconscious mind in pictures. When we do this, the brain responds immediately. Quantum Technique Two gives us the open mind we need to accommodate an expanding consciousness by freeing us from the preconceived ideas that we acquired from our cultural indoctrination.

If you should choose to follow the Quantum Path, you soon come to accept the changes. Quantum psychology views being courageous, thinking for yourself, having individual power and enjoying life, as being characteristics of a normal, mature, adult. Equally normal is that you would transcend the illusion of separation that characterizes everyday life and experience your connection to all things, such as the tree, the squirrel dashing across the road and the people in your life. When awareness expands to include the whole, holistic, holy realm that exists underneath the surface of our ordinary lives, you would discover how you are a piece of the biggest puzzle of all.

Jean Boyd is the author of THE GREATEST ESCAPE: Follow the Quantum Path to Personal Freedom. For more information contact: http://www.quantumboyd.com/.

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