Friday, October 27, 2023

Gigi Azmy

 “In the beginning of a romantic connection; the masculine’s priority of provision for the feminine; needs to be safety, safety and more safety.” Not money or status!

And if that is what she is looking for in the beginning - to move in quickly and for you to take care of her, you are most likely going to regret it. That I can guarantee.
Safety of her body, heart, mind and soul. Not snide comments. Not tearing her down with sarcasm. Not hurting her so she feels less than. Not withholding love. Not withholding attention and affection. Not being so wrapped up in your process that she is constantly emotionally or physically caring for you. Not being afraid of her big feelings and emotions. Not asking her to be patient. Not asking her to accept your excuses to play less than. Not trading gifts or experiences for love. Not money. Not a home. Instead: Safety of her entire being in your presence.
She should NEVER feel afraid around you. She should NEVER feel small around you, unless it’s her own inadequate feelings coming up. She should NEVER feel confused by you. She might feel lonely with you sometimes, she might be discontented, she might be cranky, but she should never feel afraid, small or confused by you. 
It is much later that provision will include financial safety, but let what is truly important come first." By Gigi Azmy

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