Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Political New Age Toxicity

What do our politicians want from the electorate?…. They want us to be compliant!  How do they get it? By dumbing down the ability of the ordinary person to think critically! 

We all make important political decisions based on news headlines. The more a politician is in the news, for whatever reason - even for bad publicity - the greater their popularity and the more they are worth. When they lose their MP seat, they get a well paid sinecure on the board of a lucrative bank, big pharma, a chemical, industrial, or armaments manufacturer, in the media, in construction, tech company, etc. 

Politicians who have taken us to war, sell books, after dinner talks, they invite their supportive friends to sit in the House of Lords and they can enter royal privilege as a Garter Knight, as did Tony Blair. 

How has the New Age been infiltrated by the political agenda to disempower you and to make you dependent on their desires. You will be told by spiritual teachers to be self serving, to want and get more and more, as greed becomes fashionable and desirable, not think of altruism as spirituality has told you is the foundation of a spiritual life for thousands of years. There is no right or wrong any more. 

They will tell you not to react! They will ridicule you and say "you are triggered". All life reacts to circumstances that affect it. They  will  control you in any way possible, including through mockery and put downs, name calling, silencing you, and bullying you!  This is the new political agenda. 

You will be told that you chose your life before you were born! This is unprovable of course, and unlikely. Who would choose to be born into a war zone or to suffer disease, starvation or excruciating disability? But to believe it gives you the right to walk past those who are struggling, to look down on the homeless, and those less well off that yourself! They chose that life after all? 

You might notice for instance, how 11:11 is spuriously meaningful to New Agers who have removed it from a commemoration of those who have been killed in war for the past 7 decades! When I mentioned this connection to those promoting these numbers alongside the words ‘consciousness’ and ‘universe’, I was quickly blocked. Why is this I wondered!… …  

The New Age is a money making celebrity cult, it is not a spiritual path, but it is presented as such with guru celebrities leading thousands to sell courses, and other products. The New Age is a cult that has all kinds of special ‘in crowd’ expressions, with words that are used inappropriately with nauseating, meaningless regularity. Consciousness is a medical/scientific term, and the universe is an undefinable place, mostly empty space, with massive rocks and gasses flying along at thousands of miles per hour; it is a place of very great mystery but the New Age knows neither sciences. 

The New Age explains emphatically that fear is our enemy and that we are to banish it from our life, but fear is a natural and instinctive emotion that exists for valid reasons, and we banish it to our peril. These ‘experts’ on how to live our life want us to deny our fear of a future likelihood of terrorist attack and a third world war of biological and possibly nuclear weapons. The politicians are also brainwashed and are supremely confident. They have adopted the misplaced mentality that leads our society into ever greater danger and ever greater debt. The New Age is a narcissistic self-interested philosophy which also tells us to ‘think positively’, which is ideal for the political leadership who also are indoctrinated with the ‘think positive’ instruction to the degree that they think they are immune to failure or to discovery of corruption. They also believe there are no consequences - a typical psychopathic trait. If a person believes in the ‘universe’ as a place, they are not connected to this world, and are in ignorance of their responsibilities towards it. The same for astrologers, who are obsessed with eclipses and other phenomena that has absolutely no affect on ordinary people but feeds delusions and dependency. 

The ego boosting, narcissistic New Age loves to promise abundance. It will make you crave more and more, so nothing is enough. It loves ‘confidence’ building. You are the most important person in the world! Don’t let a lack of confidence stand in your way of achieving the highest dream you can possibly imagine. Set your heart and mind on the life you want - and you will achieve it - by hook or by crook! Even to lie and cheat. Don’t worry about who you hurt on your way to achieve your ‘dreams’! The New Age tells you that you can heal yourself of cancer just by using thought, and that you can improve your life by mimicking others with the life you imagine for yourself. Firstly, it is illegal to state you can cure cancer without detailed evidence and those who make claims to cure terminal illness do not produce any evidence for their claims. Their beliefs are not evidence based. The New Age is based within the parameters of placebo effect (working with the imagination alone, which is only 30% at best and 0% at worst). They are not medically trained, but will advise you as if they are! 

The New Age does not generally adhere to any religion. Religion in the past provided life wisdom, healing, rewards for a caring life - and punishments for evil doing. Many in the New Age take the law into their own hands because they believe the ancient Hindu philosophy of believing that people who are enduring very difficult circumstances are being punished for some evil deed in a past - yet forgotten life, and that anyone living a very comfortable life is being rewarded for all good things they did in a previous life, also forgotten. This fantastic idea is based on Brahmin caste teachings that excused them from caring for the poor, disabled and needy, explaining it is the fault of the untouchables thst they are in the circumstances they find themselves. This is the culture of a very ancient India which is now desperately trying to eradicate this evil mentality from their schools and temples. It is the attitude of the psychopath that has no compassion for the plight of the poorest. 

I am surprised that people still believe that if they avoid thinking about something uncomfortable, that it will disappear in reality. For a philosophy to be meaningful, it needs to be true not only for rich westerners but also for the poorest of the world. Sadly, spirituality is little more than a business in the New Age that exists to make false claims and that those in the New Age have no interest in caring for other people, and will avoid any uncomfortable thought. Social media is full of how the New Age is ‘me’ time, a time to make money from delusions, to avoid politics or caring for the needy. This is not spirituality but a personally elevating psychology. Spirituality relates to the eternal soul and issues of good and evil, a prospect the New Age ignores because it knows nothing of religion or philosophy. 

The New Age is toxic and has no integrity. God is dead. If there is no punishment for wrongdoing, and no reward in the afterlife, they can get away with all kinds of abuse, and spiritual abuse is one of the worst kinds of abuse when people are searching for safety, kindness and personal development. The spiritual path is one of truth, justice, peace, compassion, service, generosity, altruism, humility, and equality, and the avoidance of greed, jealousy and accumulation of riches at the expense of poor and desperate people. 

How concerning is it that we are fed a diet of “you can brainwash yourself to believe what is not true” rather than “discover the truth about what is really happening in the world and take action to make it a better place for those who come next and those most in need!”

By Wendy Stokes https://wendystokes.co.uk

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