Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Helena B Scott - Loftus Author


Walk with us as we guide you through Loftus Hall, Ireland’s most haunted house, to discover its untold story; originally unveiled in its 666th anniversary and updated in this second edition.

Loftus Hall, on the wind-swept Hook peninsula is a three-storey nine-bay mansion rebuilt in 1871, which incorporates parts of an older medieval residence built in the time of the black death and the previous late 17th century house of the Loftus family. A fine example of Irish Palladianism, Loftus Hall harbours countless trapped, tortured spirits and is a known site of psychic disturbances. Here, powers of darkness dwell with innocence, amid the hopeless insanity of a young girl who died of a broken heart.

The definitive study on the Loftus Demesne and its past comes to life in a story based on research, facts and paranormal experiences. Evidence and comprehensive historical research are intertwined with popular myth and beautiful images of Irish architecture. This book uncovers all that lay hidden beneath its abandoned walls and has not been forgotten. In silence, the house speaks through these pages and ultimately, tells its true story.

Meticulously researched, the haunting mansion of Loftus Hall is explored in depth from an architectural point of view, through the experienced lens of a photographer who has captured its true essence, elegance and spirit. Additionally, the stately home reveals itself to an empathic and intuitive writer, voicing its silent desires so that justice may finally be done.

Loftus Hall is indeed haunted, but by whom? A creative and factual work that transcends the popular myth of the devil and the young Lady Anne, unearthing what was hidden during centuries, bringing to light new theories and undisputed facts. Perhaps it is not only Loftus Hall, but rather the land on which it lies that holds an even darker secret and older story; the dreams of many souls who left this world and the nightmares of those that are still living. To order your copy:

The author of Loftus is Helena B. Scott, a writer, historian, and linguist but also a mental and light trance medium, psychic investigator, and wellness/spirituality coach. She works in secret history, specialising in Norse and Medieval history. Through occult knowledge of the mysteries (Western Esoteric Tradition) and ancient energies of sacred geography, archaeology, anthropology, religion, esoteric architecture and symbolism (inc. marks & medieval graffiti), mythopoetics and archetypal psychology, mediumship and the supernatural, and traditional historical and psychical research, Helena solves mysteries, carrying out investigations, to uncover events purposely omitted, buried by the veil of time and history. See

Past collaborations over two decades include police/crime-related investigations and psychical research in haunted historic properties with parapsychology academics/paranormal investigators. Now based in Ireland, Helena also provides podcasts and online/in-person talks & workshops, speaking at Ireland’s first Paranormal Convention (Day of Unexplained) and will be speaking at the 2024 Ancestral Pathways Conference in addition to lecturing at the London College of Psychic Studies and at various locations throughout Europe. Helena also offers healing and private consultations worldwide (also specialised research) in her fields of expertise, including Archetypal Psychology.

Helena and her work have been featured in: the Irish Independent, the Sunday Times, the Irish Times, the Irish Writers Union, leading alternative history portal Ancient Origins, American Paranormal Magazine, Psychic Matters podcast, the Munster Express, the New Ross Standard, South East Radio, WLR (Saturday CafĂ©), and Beat FM (Orla Rapple – Sunday Grill) and more.

For an extract of Loftus - Hall of Dreams, click on the hyperlink below:

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