Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Eric Berne

Who was Eric Berne?
Eric Berne was a Canadian psychiatrist and served in WWII (1910-1970). After 15 years of psychoanalytic study, he was refused admission to San Francisco Analytic Institute and gave up psychoanalysis to create his own method of examining the unconscious mind, using Freudian ideas as a base for an 'insight' therapy style. He divided 'transactions' (any communication that occurs between people) into three states: 'parent', 'adult' and 'child'. 'Transactions' that are unaware or unconscious, he called 'games'. His book 'Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy' (1961) brought TA to a wide professional audience, extending the method into group therapy. 'Games People Play - The Psychology of Human Relationships' became a best seller when launched in 1964. In 'Games People Play'.     

Monday, March 24, 2025

Jason Shulman - Kabbalistic Healing

Jason Shulman specialises in Kabbalistic Healing. Kabbalah is about our relationship to life, to ourselves and others. As a young adult, he was a Zen Buddhist. He was attracted to seek for the truth that he felt was hidden and he was interested in uniting opposites. He suffered from a mysterious illness for many years and considered suicide but began to receive messages from the spirit world and found a psychic healer and naturapath and was so impressed he gave up his work in publishing to become a healer and establish this teaching method.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Who or What is the Shekinah?

“I learnt it all, hidden or manifest, for I was taught by Wisdom, by her whose skill made all things.”    ~ Wisdom of Solomon, C1st BCE, trans. Schäfer.
The Shekinah is the primordial light of creation, the heavenly glory of divine wisdom and the inspiration for prophecy. She is also the world soul, manifest through the divine sparks of her light which comprise human souls and thus unites us all.  With roots in the wisdom goddesses of the ancient world, the Shekinah is the manifestation of feminine divinity from the unnamed Wisdom Goddess of the Hebrew Bible and early Jewish wisdom literature found in the Jewish mystical systems known as the Kabbalah and in Merkavah mysticism.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

What is Oppositional Defiance Disorder?
Does your child always refuse to do what it is told and insist on saying 'no' to all it is asked to do? This is very common in children around the age of two years old when they are learning what 'no' means. What is more serious is that children grow into teenagers and then adults, and when this difficulty is not picked up early, it can have disasterous consequences. These people have some characteristic behaviours, including resentment, defiance, blaming and psychopathy. ODD is a personality disorder that needs treatment. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Emotional Freedom Technique

What is EFT? 
Emotional Freedom Technique, also called 'tapping' is a very popular method of controlling anxiety, depression, discomfort or pain. You can use the method at any time or place that you feel comfortable. Using affirmations whilst tapping on acupressure points of the body will help ease personal difficulties of all kinds. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Vicktor Frankl

Who was Viktor Frankl?
Living from 1905 - 1997, Frankl was a Jewish Austrian holocaust survivor who went on to become a leading psychiatrist and neurologist. He was the founder of the controversial Logotherapy and his most famous book is Man's Search for Meaning. 

Elias Amidon - Murshid Teacher

A Sufi is one who knows that nothing matters, yet acts as if everything does.”
— Murshid Fazal Inayat-Khan

Video from Conscious TV on the Information Channel featuring Elias Amidon leading a Murshid meditation. Elias Amidon has been a practising Sufi for more than 40 years. The International Sufi Way is an eclectic school which includes Indian Sufi teachings (Inayat Khan). The environment is at the forefront of his concerns.