Friday, August 30, 2024

The art of storytelling by Eli Anderson

Eli Anderson says: I believe that everyone is a storyteller and that stories are a global heritage. I have been writing for over 35 years, and have also been involved in publishing.

I am a master of the art of storytelling, a poet and coach with 'eAkan'. I have arranged a variety of lectures and workshops which include performance craft, musical theory, eldership, healthcare, storytelling, community education, mindfulness and poetry therapy and I arrange and deliver a variety of workshops where I mentor performers and musicians.

Wendy: I would like to introduce Mind Body Spirit readers to you Eli. Can you tell us something about yourself please?
Eli: I believe that everyone is a storyteller and that stories are a global heritage. I have been writing for over 35 years, and have also been involved in publishing. I am a master of the art of storytelling, a poet and coach with 'eAkan'. I have arranged a variety of lectures and workshops which include performance craft, musical theory, eldership, healthcare, storytelling, community education, mindfulness and poetry therapy and I arrange and deliver a variety of workshops where I mentor performers and musicians.
These are attended by people of all ages, cultures, backgrounds and learning abilities. I am also an experienced lecturer, poetry therapist and theraplay practitioner. I deliver storytelling workshops called StoryWorks, where anyone can experience the excitement and wonder of this ancient craft. I also sit on the Board for an intercultural charity, called Nafsiyat. I am a Community school Governor and I occupy the role of an appointed Justice of the Peace - and I am a keen Star trek fan! I have caring parents and my work has been influenced by Khalil Gibran, Dr. Martin Luther King, Paulo Friere, Rumi, Deepak Chopra, Imhotep, Swami Prahbupada, Stevie Wonder, Sobonfu Some, Paul Robeson, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Nelson (Madiba) Mandela and Maya Angelou - to name a few!
I use a technique of 'narrative coaching' which includes mindful, experiential and holistic approaches to help someone to move from a negative to a more positive life.  The power of 'narrative coaching' isn't just to support and empower the person, but also to give permission to others to witness this and to risk change for themselves.
In a recent workshop, a young participant who had been the recipient of incessant bullying that had reduced her confidence and self-esteem had a very positive result of her storytelling work with me and re-entered the work place, full of confidence and ability to take on the challenge of reasserting herself. There was also a good outcome from an adult student who was undertaking a demanding degree course and whose cultural foundations had made her vulnerable to insensitive criticism. As a result, she had lost her self- confidence, and was working within traumatic relationship. This relationship also undermined her in many other ways. On completion of the course titled' Introduction to Storytelling and Creative Writing', she said, "The course not only provided me with storytelling skills but encouraged me to make big changes in my life!"
The eAkan website:
The word "Hadithi" means "story", and refers to the manner in which storylines can facilitate health and wellbeing.
For information about StoryWorks workshops and access to the Hadithi MasterClasses:
To listen to the Hadithi Principle interviews:

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