Friday, August 30, 2024

Ibn Arabi


Who was Ibn Arabi? 

Ibn Arabi was a Sufi spiritual love poet (an interpreter of longing poetry) and writer who was inspired by the divine spirit. He is known as The Meccan Revelator who studied astrology, letters, numbers, symbolic geometry,  and esoteric sciences. The Wisdom of the Prophets was revealed to him in a single night. He was born in 1165 in SE Spain and tutored by an aged woman. In 1198, when he was 33, Ibn Arabi had a vision and a Divine Command to visit Cairo and Jerusalem. In 120, he arrived in Mecca where he stayed for 2 years. He then travelled to Baghdad and Mosul, and lived in Eastern Turkey where he met the son of Saladin in Aleppo. He spent his last years in Damascus, dying in 1240. He is most well known for his One es of being - a doctrine that espouses that only God exists, all else is illusion. 

Wendy Stokes

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