Monday, November 14, 2022

The Dangers of Climate Change

The dangers of global warming caused by food production and industrial processes, heating homes and using transport are manifold. Loss of the coral reefs where sea life thrives will impact hugely on many sea species. Migrating birds become confused by warming migration paths. Many species are permanently moving into the feeding grounds of competitive species dud to climate change, the search for water and safety. Turtle clutches are hatching without males because temperature affects whether a male or female is born. Malaria and dengue fever are killing far more people than ever before. As water courses dry up due to global warming, species die, when ice melts, sea level rises, affecting people and animals. Fossil fuels, areas for human food production, the cutting down of the rainforests, all contribute to species decline and loss. The more human beings on the planet, the fewer other species can survive. 

Does boycotting work? Boycotting is the refusing to do business with a business in order to reduce their market share and put them out of business. Charles C Boycott was an Irish langpd agent who refused to lower his prices and mailmen, shopkeepers, and others refused to do business with him. Mahatma Gandhi also used boycotting of British goods in favour of local. In 1970s and 1980s, South Africa was boycotted due to apartheid, and Nestle was boycotted for promoting their formula milk in the developing world as better than breast milk! Even the Church of England campaigned against Nestle. Today, negative publicity is powerful. Many refuse to buy GM foods, or products from large chemical corporations that destroy the natural world. Some boycott hardwoods from ancient forests and some are avoiding pharmaceutical drugs which are overused, such as antibiotics. 
Article by Wendy Stokes

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