Thursday, January 5, 2023

Wendy's Post Bag (A)

Q: Do our loved ones in Spirit visit us at special times, at anniversaries and birthdays?
Wendy's reply: Yes, they remember special celebrations they had with us and are drawn to us through memories. However, they do not want us to feel the pang of loss at what should be a happy time. Whenever we think of your loved ones in Spirit, we call them to us. Anytime, you can place a lit candle by their photograph and they will come. Sometimes, they want us to move on with our life in the here and now, and not reflect on the love they had for us if it causes us to be upset.
I often wake up during the night, sensing someone is in the room but there is no-one there. Is it a Spirit?
Wendy's reply: It could be, especially if you are open to the possibility. It can be inconvenience and uncomfortable so it is best to have a soft light in your bedroom throughout the night. This should act as a barrier. After a couple of weeks, you can sleep in the dark once again, without interruption. I wonder why you think it could be a spirit that wakes you. There could be many reasons why you wake up during the night. If, for instance, you did not believe in spirits, you would just go back to sleep again without thinking any further about it. I would suggest a bedtime routine. Each evening, write down in a diary what you learnt that day and write your plans for the following day. Listen to some peaceful music as you prepare for the following day, take your shower and get ready for bed. A sense of safety and security is needed in your home. Use the affirmation: As each hour of the clock ticks by, I sleep soundly with sweet dreams. 
I had a car accident and now have PTSD. Would spiritual healing help me?
Wendy's reply: Nothing will be expected of you with this type of healing. You can remain silent, and therefore do not need to relive the distressing situation that has caused your stress disorder. You do not need to do anything. Spirit know exactly what happened, and will attend to exactly what is needed for you. If you cannot visit a spiritual healer in person, they can usually send ‘absent’ healing to you from a distance. The healer only acts as a medium, through which Spirit work to cleanse away the pain of the past and restore wellbeing to you by putting everything in order. I am sorry to hear you have experienced a difficult time and hope it is soon resolved.
I can sometimes hear a voice in my head, speaking to me and giving me messages. Am I a medium?
Wendy's reply: You are what is called a ‘voice hearer’. This is a very common ability, but rarely spoken about to those who do not understand, and yes, you are a natural medium. Often, these can be different voices and sometimes only parts of sentences are heard, and they might not be very meaningful. A mediumship development circle is useful. By listening to your voices in a group setting, you can concentrate on delivering useful and meaningful messages, and polish up this natural ability. You will also be trained to have working practice with one trusted and stable spirit guide, who will give you a name and information about themselves. This can take many months. You might be invited into an open group to start. Here people drop in when they can. Then, as you show commitment to attendance and a potential for serious mediumship development, you will be invited into a closed group of regulars. Always remember that messages from Spirit are firstly, for your own spiritual growth, and secondly for the spiritual growth of others.   

Q: I was working at my computer and suddenly, I started to type without volition! I was quite shocked! What happened?

Wendy's reply: It can happen when tired, when day dreaming, or doing work which is repetitive or unstimulating. Suddenly, we have typed something totally unexpected. This is due to a light trance, and Spirit takes the opportunity to work through us. This could happen for several reasons, possibly to demonstrate that Spirit is active in our life, or because Spirit has an important message for us. Sometimes, the typed message makes no sense, but what it does do, is show us our potential for delivering a typed message from Spirit. Firstly, ask for contact with someone who you think will deliver a distinct and powerful message, such as an angel or ascended master. Relax and leave your fingers lightly on the finger pad, moving very slightly. Hey presto! Go for it! 

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