Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Stalking - A Malicious Hate Crime

Stalking is a crime of aggression that leaves no visible scars. Yet the effects of stalking are severely debilitating on emotional, mental and spiritual levels as they leave the victim feeling increasingly traumatised. The crime is one of veiled threats, harassment, intimidation, control, intrusion and emotional blackmail and often occurs over a prolonged period, resulting in accumulated confusion, isolation, alienation and eventually crisis for the victim. 

Stalking may involve information gathering, importuning, parading a new victim, malicious remarks or behaviour, and upsetting remarks or language. The Readers Digest Universal Dictionary defines stalking as “to move threateningly, to pursue or track stealthily, to transverse threateningly or menacingly.” These definitions provide an example of the type of predatory prowling that perpetrators have towards their prey. 

Locus of Control

The locus is: the position, point or place, a location where something occurs. 
Those who have an internal locus of control believe they can change circumstances of their lives. They believe they can make things happen through their own ability or hard work. They take responsibility for their actions, they are not influenced by others, and they often prefer to work at their own pace. Their personal decisions drive the outcomes of their life. 
Those with an external local of control, place power outside of themselves. They believe things happen to them that are not within their power to change, causing them to feel disempowered and to blame others when things go wrong. They are influenced by the opinion of other people, following trends and popularisers. They often believe that god, the stars or the spirits control their destiny. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

Relationship Breakdown Advice

 The statistics for relationship breakdown are so enormous that it shows how difficult we find maintaining a close relationship. Under the stress of CoVid, the situation has increased with the distress of job anxiety, home insecurity and many people have their future in question.  Even when we are similar in our tastes, priorities and energy, there are common difficulties. Many relationship problems lead to conflict rather than clean separation. Men and women have some similarities in finding relationships difficult, but there are also differences. If you offer your partner the best you can in terms of, listening and caring, and a commitment to make it work, your relationship will have some staying power. When things go wrong, speak about it, whether it is a power play, jealousy, generalised anger, or whatever, work at it and have good will and be determined to give and get the best in love that is possible. 

Can You Be an Ocean Elder?

Queen Noor of Jordan is speaking about how pollution of the oceans affects everyone's health and how we must not be complacent in handing on to the future generation, a planet that can sustain life. Everyone can play a role in creating a healthier planet. Many countries in the Middle East are affected by water issues and climate change. 

Save our Bees!

Despite the US and the UK resisting, bee campaigners are celebrating the European Union prohibition on the use of systemic pesticides which have been demonstrated to be toxic to bees. A total of 15 of the 27 European member states voted for a 2 year ban on neonicotinoids and 300,000 people in the UK signed a petition to bring in a ban. Most bumblebee species are declining and 6 species have suffered an 80% reduction in numbers in recent years. In the past 100 years, 20 British bee species have become extinct and 35 British bees are currently at risk of extinction. This is due to several factors, not just the chemicals which reduce their immune system capabilities, but loss of habitat plays a large role as does the removal of honey from hives and replacing it with sugar water which provides none of the valuable nutrients for bees throughout the winter, and does not provide the antibacterial that is needed for them to fight diseases. With 98% of wild flower meadows vanishing since 1950, we need to plant flowers that will help bees to thrive. They play a crucial role in plant pollination.  

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Benefits of meditation?

Meditation is an act of controlling your mind. Whatever you've heard, the objective of meditation is 100% absolute focus. What you focus on is up to you and the form of meditation you are practicing. A few of the options are:

1. your breathing--nothing more and nothing less

2. a mantra, saying or affirmation
3. an ideal such as love or gratitude
4. a problem, such as how you are consumed with desire or suffering
5. a quiet mind (opinions on what this is vary)
6. swaying or some other form of rhythmic movement
7. a repetitive sound such as a beating drum, heart, etc.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Our Increasing Human Population

"The more people on the planet - the fewer other species can survive."

20 years ago there were 7 billion people in the world. In 2022, there are 8 billion! 
Sadly, the more the human population increases, the more other species which share our planet are decreasing in numbers, many to the point of extinction. This is because other creatures need virgin land to survive. They are hunted for many reasons, our need for land to grow plants and raise domesticated animals reduces their precious habitat, and mining cuts through their areas with large vehicles on fast roads that cause numerous painful casualties. They can suffer from pollution, infections and fires, their lives are a struggle for food and water and shelter. As the human population grows, our seas become polluted with plastics, fish eat the plastic and enter the human food chain, contributing to our ill health. 

Chief Seattle

“Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. Today is fair. Tomorrow it may be overcast with clouds. My words are like the stars that never change. Whatever Seattle says, the great chief at Washington can rely upon with as much certainty as he can upon the return of the sun or the seasons. The white chief says that Big Chief at Washington sends us greetings of friendship and goodwill. This is kind of him for we know he has little need of our friendship in return. His people are many. They are like the grass that covers vast prairies. My people are few. They resemble the scattering trees of a storm-swept plain. The great, and I presume -- good, White Chief sends us word that he wishes to buy our land but is willing to allow us enough to live comfortably. This indeed appears just, even generous, for the Red Man no longer has rights that he need respect, and the offer may be wise, also, as we are no longer in need of an extensive country.

Night Terrors

What are night terrors and How is it best to deal with them? 
Night Terrors usually occurs in childhood and children often grow out of them but they can occur during adulthood. This type of frightening dream occurs in a particular time during the sleep cycle. Sometimes, during this period, the person might cry out, scream or shake, they might shout or lash out. They might also get up during their sleep and walk around, as though they are awake, but they are in fact, fully asleep. They can often be triggered by a stressful experience. In children, they should be allowed to take their course, in adults, they might require a relaxing bedtime routine, sleep without interruption from outside noise. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


In Tibetan Buddhism, a breathing meditation practice of giving and taking, sending and  receiving. It is designed to unite self with others. It is one of the special offerings of the self, with patience, concentration, wisdom, joyous effort for others and ethics and reduces self centredness and increases a sense of self renunciation.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Dr Robin Wood - The Green Shift

Dr Robin Wood is a Change Agent (otherwise known as an innovation specialist). Here he is speaking on the Information Channel 212 on Conscious TV about 'The Green Shift'. He invites us to transcend and transform our lives through ownership of our future. 60% of people are living in cities, yet cities are places of pollution and waste. Stop - feel - question! By bucking the current system, we can become an explorer, researcher and activist and examine our choices and become responsible for a collective and sustainable future. He has been a Fellow at the Centre for Management Development at London Business School and at the Institute for Coherence and Emergence and is now working in 35 countries on four continents to increase 'thriveability' in business management.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Introducing Kathy Jones

ne of the benefits of becoming a Crone Priestess and Goddess Temple Elder is being able look back over an extraordinary life to gain perspective, to understand how things happened through time. Now I can see the Motherline threads which have woven through my life, connecting me forward to my daughter and grandchildren, and back to the mothers and ancient grandmothers. I see how in the 1970s a wave of renewed Goddess spirituality and teachings began to unfurl across the world and how we in Glastonbury Avalon have been and are part of that amazing wave. I see how Goddess awareness began to expand and grow, connecting the hearts and minds of many people. This was especially so from Avalon where, inspired by the Lady of Avalon, Goddess in the Sacred Land here, we began to learn about Her, to love Her, to speak Her name again. All our work in Glastonbury Goddess Temple plays a major part of that magnificent flow.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

India - Karuna

What is Karuna? 
This is an Indian Sanskrit concept and is based on 'compassion in action'. It is a concept in Hinduism and Buddhism. Compassion for others is used to reduce pain and suffering in the world. Karuna is experienced when a person becomes enlightened. This enlightenment is the feeling od empathy for those who are in need. It is used in a type of Reiki healing. 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

John Stuart Mill?

Who was John Stuart Mill? 

He was the son of a great philosopher, James Mill. John Stuart was a British Humanist who lived from 1806-1873 and he developed the 'greatest happiness theory'. He believed that we should work towards the greatest good for all people and that we should cultivate self discipline, courage, conscience, unselfishnes, duty and cleanliness. He believed that there is a struggle between good and evil and believed we should treat others as we wish to be treated. He was a founder of the Unitarianism Church. He was an economist and philosopher of science and reputed to ‘everything’. 

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Shamanic Guided Journey

A popular free YouTube guided meditation as per modern shamanic insight and wisdom. Do not operate a vehicle and ensure you are not interrupted for the duration of the journey. Beginning with a relaxation prior to the guided journey. 

Martin Buber

Who was Martin Buber?
1878 - 1965  Born in Vienna, he was a direct descendant to a notable Jewish family. Carl Marx was a distant cousin. He read philosophy and questioned his religious beliefs. He retold many traditional tales, he supported a Jewish and Arab state, he rejected the terms 'philosopher' and 'theologian' though his life is hallmarked by both disciplines of study for which he received many awards. He was an existentialist and a story-teller who came from generations of Rabbis. and was nominated on 10 occasions for the Nobel Prize for Literature and for the Peace Prize on seven occasions. He contributed to many fields of study throughout his lifetime and his 'I' - 'Thou' was influenced by the therapeautic encounter work of Jacob L Moreno. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023


The Greeks learnt much from the Celts, including philosophy - Aristotle considered the Druids to be the inventors of philosophy and were the world's greatest scholars with mathematical skills greater than those of Pythagoras who learnt his skills from them. Druids studied for twenty years, learning geography, history, astronomy, physics and theology and spoke Latin, Greek and Hebrew. It is also thought the made human sacrifice to placate the gods. Druids had an oral teaching and wrote nothing down so we have no first hand knowledge of them. They were bards, prophets and priests. Druid is a word that orginates, it is thought, from the Gaulish or Greek words for 'oak' and 'knowledge'. 


What is Eurythmy? 

This is a sacred dance or rhythmic and meditative movement where legends and myths are re-enacted. It was created by Rudolf Steiner, who formed the Anthroposophical Society when he broke away from Theosophy where he was a General Secretary of the German branch. Steiner was born in 1861, son of a railway worker and was mainly self taught and by his secondary school, he was teaching other pupils and he gained entry to University of Vienna where he studied sciences. His meditation practice was established by the time he moved to Berlin where he edited a literary magazine. 

The Female Cycle

The power of self-love and our cycles by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel

On a nice winter day ...

It was a wonderful winter day and the sun was shining so I decided to go out and give myself the pleasure to commune with nature for an hour or so.
I decided to go and see my giant friends in the wood. They are some century old beeches that form a part of the wood where I normally go walking and relaxing during my week days.
I hadn't been there to see them for a while, therefore I thought to go on my pilgrimage of love to visit my old friends.
Some of them are so big and old that they have fallen on the ground and broken in various parts. They lie on the ground with their roots exposed and show their magnificence, they are awe inspiring!

My old friends

I remember the first time that I saw a very big and old one on the ground and could not remember having seen it lying there before, therefore I realized that it must have fallen recently.