Thursday, March 28, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
The Toltec Oracle - Review and Interview
Mind Body & Soul Ezine Card Deck Review of 'The
Toltec Oracle' By
Victor Sanchez 274
page book, 2 sets of cards and chart, Published
by Bear & Co £35
Sanchez is a Mexican author, psychotherapy trainer, retreat organiser, workshop
facilitator and specialist in MesoAmerican spiritual tradition. Original
artwork of the cards is from 400 year old codices. The accompanying book
contains information on how to conduct a reading, various suggested spreads, an
explanation of Toltec spirituality and provides the meaning for each card and
its Toltec symbolism and metaphysics. It also includes information about the indigenous words used in the book. The
Toltec tradition is one of the oldest sources of spiritual wisdom in the world
and helps us to apply shamanic knowledge to our daily life.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Warrior Goddess Training!
Warrior Goddess Training, Become the
Woman You are Meant to Be by HeatherAsh
As women, we are trained to seek our wholeness and value and to
find love through others. Fifty years ago, we were told a husband and children
would complete us—that was about our only option. Today, what makes us worthy
might be a beloved, our career, or even following a chosen spiritual path. We
rarely see ourselves as perfect just the way we are. We often base our worth on
who loves or doesn’t love us, if we need to lose that extra five or fifty
pounds, and if we can juggle three tasks simultaneously while keeping a smile on
our face. The new women’s revolution
is an evolution from being other-focused to inner-focused. When our attention is
trapped by fearful shoulds, what ifs, and don’ts, we scatter our energy and
struggle with knowing what is authentic for us. When we bring our attention back
to discovering who we are on the inside—not who we wish we were or who we think
we should be—we begin a sacred path of transformation toward our innate,
authentic, embodied power.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Breathing well!
Breathing is one of life's most basic necessities. Adults take in an average of almost 25,000 breaths each day, and that's just at rest. While it's true that most of us don't stop to think about the breathing we do each day, it's important to recognize the health benefits of doing so. Take in a breath right now. It comes so naturally, doesn't it? You may not realize that you can greatly improve the way you feel inside and out, just by consciously controlling how you breathe, for even as little as an hour each day.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
The Right Moment in Time - Ancient Toltec Practices
Many people know of the work of Carlos Castaneda and about his training with a Yaqui (Man of Knowledge) from Mesoamerica. He brought forth, to the Western world, a glimmer of the Toltec Shamanistic path in the 1970’s. But now, for the first time in history, the fullness of a Toltec Shamanistic path is being presented -- teachings, ceremonies, practices, postures, dances, philosophy, prophecy and an in-depth understanding of the mathematics of the cosmos and how this all relates to human consciousness and the Mesoamerican calendars. You will find it all in this new book by Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl called, 2012 – 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun - The Path of Quetzalcoatl.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Spirituality by Rebecca Beattie
In the earliest days of working with my spiritual teacher, each group session started with the same question, 'How is your Spiritual Life?' Each person would answer in turn. Some would share what they had been reading or learning that week, and some would describe events at work. Some, like me, would recount what they had been creating that week. I was starting to spend most of my spare time crafting; making natural soaps and bath products, semi-precious jewelry, or rediscovering old hobbies like baking bread, candle making, or blending incense. The work I did in those early days led to me writing my first novel.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Yoga Is Skill In Action
The basis practice of yoga is self-inquiry which, through this process, we create change within ourselves. Before I started practicing yoga, I was more selfish and immature. The grass always seemed greener on the other side of the fence. Yoga changed my world perspective and philosophy in a way that has helped me live my life with more grace and integrity. I care for myself and others more deeply, my eating habits have become conscious choices and my friendships have evolved. I no longer spend time with people who are addicted to drinking and drugs, or those that spend their time gossiping about other people. I look for people who help me feel good about myself and those who are more happy and have goals in their life.
Friday, March 15, 2024
What is Hypnosis
For weight-loss hypnosis by Zoe Featherstone, click on the arrow!
If your only contact with hypnosis has been seeing a hypnotist perform on stage, then you might think hypnosis is simply a form of entertainment. While hypnosis can be used for entertainment (and some people have made a lot of money doing just that!) it´s only part of the story. Hypnosis is so much more than that.Believe it or not, hypnosis is entirely natural. Any ideas you might have held about it being a mysterious art should be disposed of completely. The image of a caped demon forcing you to look into his eyes and subequently turning you into a zombie, incapable of doing anything other than what your 'master' commands, is a lot of nonsense. It might make for good television or stretch the special effects department working on a Hollywood blockbuster, but in truth these represntations are little more than exaggerations of certain aspects of hypnosis.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Breathing is one of life's most basic necessities. Adults take in an average of almost 25,000 breaths each day, and that's just at rest. While it's true that most of us don't stop to think about the breathing we do each day, it's important to recognize the health benefits of doing so. Take in a breath right now. It comes so naturally, doesn't it? You may not realize that you can greatly improve the way you feel inside and out, just by consciously controlling how you breathe, for even as little as an hour each day.
When you breathe in the air around you, your lungs transfer the oxygen into your blood. This oxygen is necessary for life's building block, our cells, to live and create within us. When you breathe out, carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes are removed from the blood and back out into the air. For those with impaired respiratory function, such as cardiac patients or asthma sufferers, the result of improper breathing is a catastrophic build-up of toxins and extremely low levels of oxygen in the blood. The good news is that even those of us with impaired respiration can benefit from intentionally controlling our breathing.
When you breathe in the air around you, your lungs transfer the oxygen into your blood. This oxygen is necessary for life's building block, our cells, to live and create within us. When you breathe out, carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes are removed from the blood and back out into the air. For those with impaired respiratory function, such as cardiac patients or asthma sufferers, the result of improper breathing is a catastrophic build-up of toxins and extremely low levels of oxygen in the blood. The good news is that even those of us with impaired respiration can benefit from intentionally controlling our breathing.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Naikan Therapy
Naikan Therapy was developed by a Buddhist monk in the 1940s. It involves self examination, looking inside and is an aid to mental health. It asks three questions:
What have I received from this person?
What have I given to this person?
What trouble have I caused this person?
The Goddess Dewi Ratih
From the Moon Goddess Diary by Nicci Garaicoa: Dewi Ratih the Hindu Moon Goddess.
Dewi Ratih is worshipped throughout Indonesia and Bali for her breathtaking beauty and grace. Legend has it that the giant Kali Rau fell desperately and completely in love with her as she was the most beautiful of all goddesses; however, Dewi Ratih did not love him back and refused to marry him. He was enraged and tried to steal immortality from the Gods so he could pursue and win her heart. But his plan was discovered and the King of the Gods, Dewa Wisnu, followed him to cut off his head with his magical disc but he was too late, and the immortal drink had been taken and Kali Rau’s head became immortal.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Brief History of Humankind
With a PhD in History, the eminent Dr Yuval Noah Harari speaks about the history of human beings, from the author of best-selling book 'Sapiens'. A fascinating lecture from RSA Animate.
Joy, Peace and Happiness - 10 simple steps!
We live in a mad, crazy world, and it is easy to become overwhelmed
with the pace of life and expectations placed upon us by others! Bestselling
English author Ian Tucker takes a look at how we can slow down and begin to take
care of ourselves. He offers ten simple steps towards a happier and more
peaceful life:
1. “Live just for today.”
Your past is now your story, nothing more, it has gone forever -
regret is a total waste of your time, see that what came to test you is an
opportunity to grow, be kind to yourself and focus on cherished
What of the future and it’s total uncertainty? Well, 99.9% of
anything that you and I have ever worried about has never happened, think about
that for a moment, all that worry sometimes to the point of illness and for
nothing, worrying is like praying for things you don’t
Once you realise that the current moment is all that you can be
certain of you will unlock the shackles that keep you tied to the past or
worried about the future and liberate you to live each
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Person Centred Therapy
What is PCA?
Carl Rogers (1902-1987) was the founder of Person Centred Approach otherwise known as Client Centred Therapy and this developed into Student Centred Learning and additional practices. He developed this method of counselling and therapy to counteract a patriarchal, dominant and overbearing and sometimes abusive power dynamic that therapists and teachers had in the past. He came from a Christian background in the USA and researched the data in order to find out which type of therapy helped the client to recover most from neurosis and even more serious mental illness.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Neuro Linguistic Programming
NLP was developed in the early 1970s by John Grinder, a linguistics expert at the University of California, and Richard Bandler, a Gestalt therapist and computer programmer. Together they made a study of three leading therapeutic practitioners, Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson. They discovered that patterns could assist learning and development and that these could be applied to psychology in the areas of education, business and counselling.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
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