From The Shaman's Dream Oracle Covenant. Number 7. Commitment to a sacred contract and the greater good is required now. This covenant is an insurance agreement that needs to be renewed or cancelled or torn up. It is an opportunity that is full of promise, but can you sign and seal the deal and commit to it? The contract has been elevated to a sacred covenant which must be founded on truth. Not your truth, or anyone else’s truth, but objective truth which is a greater truth that takes the destiny of all into account. The covenant is not about your agenda, and spirit is invited to come to the table as guarantor. You must assess what you sign up to. Your integrity must not be compromised. You must be transparent, honest and fair. Nothing hidden from view. State your commitment and purpose witnessed by spirit.
From The Storyteller's Tarot by David Pasquale Five of Coins - The Snake. Legend tells us that the snake had four legs but it attacked humans. The Jade Emperor gave a command to cut them off. The snake made amends, and gave his body to traditional medicine after he died. He was then rewarded with a place in the zodiac. Snakes are determined creatures, private and reticent. Snakes are wise, but easily stressed and require their own space and time. Upright: adversity, and worry, misfortune, isolation. Reversed: spiritual poverty, recovering from financial loss, isolation. This card can mean that financial loss is currently a reality or important in your life has been lost, a job, a home or financial stability. You may be wondering when help is going to arrive, but you must ask.
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