Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Oracle card reading for September

The first card is number 11 and is titled ‘Elephant’ and is taken from Animal Voices by Chip Richards with the keywords ‘Responsibility, Cooperation and Empathy'. Elephants have one of the closest and most loyal family groups in the world. They live together for up to 80 years. They baby-sit each other’s off-spring and if a mother is unwell, others bring food and protect it until it is well again. When an elephant dies, the others cover it with brush and branches. Passing herds stop to offer respect – even if they did not know the individual. Elephants bring great blessings. Their trumpet reminds you that you are a force for good in the world. Ask for help when you need it and look for ways to help others. Take time to say ‘thank you’ to someone who has helped you. Return the kindness by helping them where you can.

 Next is numbered XVII of The Da Vinci Enigma Tarot by Caitlin Matthews and is titled ‘Way-Shower’ and you are asked ‘Where are things flowing?’ and What hopeful shoots are sprouting in this matter?’ Hope is the faith by which your soul journeys towards its destiny. As you learn to follow signs and messages that give hope, you fine-tune to the star of your destiny and allow its gracious beams to fall upon you. Its subtle messages enter your heart and give it inspiration for the road. After hard times, you can re-consecrate yourself to your destined path with fresh insight and renewed pleasure. The prospect before you is bright with promise. You receive confirmation that you are upon the right path. This enables you to dedicate yourself more deeply and bring renewal to situations and relationships that have been ailing. Work naturally and easily with your gifts instead of working against your innate capacities.

Lastly, this card is from The Dion Fortune Tarot Cards and is the Ace of Pentacles and is titled Root of the Powers of Earth. For those who like cards which have lots of significance, these cards have astrological and kabbalistic meaning as well as tarot significance. The card relates to the physical body and to the materialistic world, and the objects that we come into contact with and our need of money to buy necessities. This card is equivalent to the Ace of Coins.  

Readings by Wendy Stokes: https://wendystokes.co.uk


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