Monday, March 24, 2025

Jason Shulman - Kabbalistic Healing

Jason Shulman specialises in Kabbalistic Healing. Kabbalah is about our relationship to life, to ourselves and others. As a young adult, he was a Zen Buddhist. He was attracted to seek for the truth that he felt was hidden and he was interested in uniting opposites. He suffered from a mysterious illness for many years and considered suicide but began to receive messages from the spirit world and found a psychic healer and naturapath and was so impressed he gave up his work in publishing to become a healer and establish this teaching method.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Who or What is the Shekinah?

“I learnt it all, hidden or manifest, for I was taught by Wisdom, by her whose skill made all things.”    ~ Wisdom of Solomon, C1st BCE, trans. Schäfer.
The Shekinah is the primordial light of creation, the heavenly glory of divine wisdom and the inspiration for prophecy. She is also the world soul, manifest through the divine sparks of her light which comprise human souls and thus unites us all.  With roots in the wisdom goddesses of the ancient world, the Shekinah is the manifestation of feminine divinity from the unnamed Wisdom Goddess of the Hebrew Bible and early Jewish wisdom literature found in the Jewish mystical systems known as the Kabbalah and in Merkavah mysticism.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

What is Oppositional Defiance Disorder?
Does your child always refuse to do what it is told and insist on saying 'no' to all it is asked to do? This is very common in children around the age of two years old when they are learning what 'no' means. What is more serious is that children grow into teenagers and then adults, and when this difficulty is not picked up early, it can have disasterous consequences. These people have some characteristic behaviours, including resentment, defiance, blaming and psychopathy. ODD is a personality disorder that needs treatment. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Emotional Freedom Technique

What is EFT? 
Emotional Freedom Technique, also called 'tapping' is a very popular method of controlling anxiety, depression, discomfort or pain. You can use the method at any time or place that you feel comfortable. Using affirmations whilst tapping on acupressure points of the body will help ease personal difficulties of all kinds. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Vicktor Frankl

Who was Viktor Frankl?
Living from 1905 - 1997, Frankl was a Jewish Austrian holocaust survivor who went on to become a leading psychiatrist and neurologist. He was the founder of the controversial Logotherapy and his most famous book is Man's Search for Meaning. 

Elias Amidon - Murshid Teacher

A Sufi is one who knows that nothing matters, yet acts as if everything does.”
— Murshid Fazal Inayat-Khan

Video from Conscious TV on the Information Channel featuring Elias Amidon leading a Murshid meditation. Elias Amidon has been a practising Sufi for more than 40 years. The International Sufi Way is an eclectic school which includes Indian Sufi teachings (Inayat Khan). The environment is at the forefront of his concerns. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

spiritual journey

Philip Roderick was brought up as a Methodist and had an altered state of consciousness as a child in Wales. He later discovered this place was the site of an ancient monastery. He taught in Sunday School when he was 14 years old and wrote poetry as he wanted to be a poet. He became attracted and read books on the mystery traditions as a young adult. He had a vision of a woman dressed in blue whilst at University in Cardiff. He has a special interest in how the body can be used in prayer (body prayer) and developed an interest in meditation, Transcendental Meditation, the Vedic traditions, Sufism and Zen. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Are you Clairvoyant, Clairaudient or Clairsentient?

Find out if you are psychic and what kind of psychic you are! 
This meditation might cause a light trance so please do not drive a vehicle. Allow 30 minutes for this meditation. Make yourself comfortable, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes and relax!  This guided meditation video was created by Dawn Rumsey with text by Wendy Stokes.  

Jaime Girones - Ancestral Offer

 We honour our ancestors and dead loved ones, and their lives at this time of year, and we thank them for their blessing, as without it, our harvest would not have been possible. 

     We gather with our family and friends and talk about our ancestors. We visit their graveyards. We set up offerings for them. We cook special meals and share our food with them by setting plates for them. During this time we can take the opportunity to think, symbolically of our own harvests, of all that we have accomplished in the past year, and our successful projects, and all the things in our lives that have prospered. And at the same time, we think of those who came before us, and how their lives contributed to what we have today - and to our rich harvests. We have a great variety of ancestors. We have ancestors of blood and chosen family, and those who appear in our family tree. We also have ancestors of space, those who have lived where we live and their stories that shaped our history. And we have ancestors of spirit, and those lives that inspired or shaped our thoughts.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

A Healing Meditation

 This video meditation created by Jo Barnard with text by Wendy Stokes. The meditation might cause a light trance, so do not drive a vehicle. Allow 30 minutes to fully relax without interruption. Make yourself comfortable, take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes and enjoy the experience.  https;//


For free ecards, try Resurgence Magazine:
Resurgence Magazine is, it’s thought, the longest-running environmental magazine in Britain. Its survival so long, without millionaire backing and without turning itself into a consumer lifestyle accessory, with the advertising to match, tells a compelling story – not only of conviction, commitment and endurance but of need, role and relevance. It was founded in 1966 by John Papworth, a well-known peace campaigner with connections to the Committee of 100 and the Peace Pledge Union, but rapidly broadened its critique from the nuclear nightmare generated by the Cold War to pollution, intensive farming and food production and the related political problems of centralisation, bigness and the growing separation of economics from ethics.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing is also known as 'Anuloma Viloma'. 

An established relaxation technique! 
  1. Sit in a comfortable position. You middle finger of your right hand is placed on your forehead while your thumb rests on your right nostril, your ring and little fingers rest on your left nostril.
  2. Inhale and exhale. Then close your right nostril with your thumb while inhailing through your left nostril for a count of 5 seconds. 
  3. Close both nostrils and hold your breath for 5 seconds.
  4. Lift your thumb and exhale through your right nostril for 5 seconds.
  5.  Inhale through your right nostril, hold, close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.

The Great Transition


The worldwide transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy is under way.

As fossil fuel prices rise, as air pollution worsens, and as concerns about climate instability cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new world energy economy is emerging. The old economy, fueled largely by coal and oil, is being replaced with one powered by solar and wind energy.

The Evolving Energy Transition

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Music Therapy

Music is an ancient form of self expression and communication. With modern day technology, it is possible to show how to brain reacts to music and how it can assist people who are unwell. It has been shown to make a positive impack on dementia patients and autistic patients and in brain injuries, such as stroke or brain accident. It is a valuable way in which patients can help themselves. It can also be an emotional support for those going through difficult times and can relieve anxiety and depression. Blood pressure can be reduced and stress levels decreased.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

How is money created?

Do you know how our money is created? Most people don’t, but it isn't complicated, says Bruce Nixon! 97% of our money is created by commercial banks when they make loans, i.e. interest bearing debt, not by the Bank of England or the Mint. Only 3% is created in the form of notes and coins. Thus the profits of creating money go to the commercial banks rather than the public purse.

Over the last 40 years commercial banks have increased the money supply at an average of 11.5% a year. And that was obviously too much, too quickly. If the increase in the money supply were say 5% a year, about £60bn a year could go to the government and reduce our taxes by that amount.


From 2,500 years ago, there is an ancient story od a young man who was the son of a chieftan. The chieftan's wife had a dream of an elephant when she was pregnant and they suspected this would be a powerful child. The young man's name was Siddartha Gautama of Nepal and he was spoilt and protected. Whilst out one day, he saw a beggar by the side of the road and he realised that he knew nothing of the world and its harsh realities. He left home and travelled widely, asking questions and seeking truth, often starving himself in renunciation, without achieving anything.
Eventually, he stopped his travels and seeking and sat under a tree, relaxed and meditated. In this way, he became 'enlightened' and free from the trappings of this world, in acceptance and contentment, and in finding a middle way between asceticicism and hedonism. He also created 8 challenges, called the Noble Eightfold Path, of Right Views, Intent, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort , Mindfulness and Concentration. Four Truths accompany these laws: that life involves suffering; that suffering is caused by our desires; that ending our desires will end suffering and the way to end desire is to practice the 8 challenges.In addition, there are 3 trainings of concentration, morality and wisdom.  The philosophy spread across South East Asia and now to the world. It offers a viable alternative to the many problems that beset human life, relationships and the problems that beset our planet which other religions ignore, much to the peril of those who will inherit a world of gross pollution and illhealth.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Extract - London - The Novel

 The clerk moved one of the chequers. The court proceeded imperviously while the sheriff, sitting at one end of the table, nodded nervously. After the throne, this table, known as the Great Exchequer, was the most important piece of furniture in the kingdom. It was a curious thing to look at. 10 feet long and 5 feet wide, it had a ledge four fingers high running round its edge, giving it the appearance of a gaming table. Covering a surface was a black cloth marked into squares by white lines that gave the court its name.

Depending on the square it occupied, a chequer might represent £1000, or £10, or even the humble silver penny that was a common labour’s daily wage. The chequered cloth was, therefore, nothing more than a kind of abacus, a primitive manual computer on which the revenues and expenses of the kingdom could be reckoned and reviewed.

Every year, at the spring and autumn feasts of Easter and Michaelmas, the sheriffs of the counties of England came to the Exchequer to render their accounts. First, in an outer chamber, the sacks of silver pennies they brought were tested for quality and counted. If good, 20 dozen pennies weighed a pound. Since the Normans called the English penny an Esterlin, which was transcribed into Latin and became sterlingus, a unit of account had become known as pound sterling. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Benefits of meditation?

Meditation is an act of controlling your mind. Whatever you've heard, the objective of meditation is 100% absolute focus. What you focus on is up to you and the form of meditation you are practicing. A few of the options are:

1. your breathing--nothing more and nothing less

2. a mantra, saying or affirmation
3. an ideal such as love or gratitude
4. a problem, such as how you are consumed with desire or suffering
5. a quiet mind (opinions on what this is vary)
6. swaying or some other form of rhythmic movement
7. a repetitive sound such as a beating drum, heart, etc.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

What is EMDR? 
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a therapy mainly for relief from post traumatic stress disorder. Founded by an American psycholologist, Dr Francine Shapiro in the 1980s. Similar to how the brain naturally processes stressful events when it uses rapid eye movements during sleep, the therapist assists the client to use their eye movements to wipe the memory of the traumatic event from the brain. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Transactional Analysis & Gestalt

Dr Eric Byrne, a psychiatric therapist, developed in the early 1950s a theory about personality and personality development which is closely tied to a theory about communication. Known as transactional analysis (TA) it was popularised through the books, ‘Games People Play’, and ‘I’m OK, You’re OK’. These explain ego states, and divide them into Parent, Adult and Child. 

Children are likely to think that however they feel, others must feel the same. Take for instance, a child is cold and thinks others must be cold too or feels unhappy and thinks others are unhappy too. Adults who are unaware, or who have not reflected on themselves in relation to others, all tend to think that those outside themselves are mirror images. Because they have no money, they think that others are also broke, or if they are rich, they think others have no money problems. As we become more mature, we can question more, deal more with complexities, and understand that we are independent and autonomous beings. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Sound Healing

 Music as Medicine is an ancient art and is both enjoyable and life enhancing. By listening to healing sounds, we can realign our energy systems, reduce stress and increase health

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Political New Age Toxicity

What do our politicians want from the electorate?…. They want us to be compliant!  How do they get it? By dumbing down the ability of the ordinary person to think critically! 

We all make important political decisions based on news headlines. The more a politician is in the news, for whatever reason - even for bad publicity - the greater their popularity and the more they are worth. When they lose their MP seat, they get a well paid sinecure on the board of a lucrative bank, big pharma, a chemical, industrial, or armaments manufacturer, in the media, in construction, tech company, etc. 

Politicians who have taken us to war, sell books, after dinner talks, they invite their supportive friends to sit in the House of Lords and they can enter royal privilege as a Garter Knight, as did Tony Blair. 

How has the New Age been infiltrated by the political agenda to disempower you and to make you dependent on their desires. You will be told by spiritual teachers to be self serving, to want and get more and more, as greed becomes fashionable and desirable, not think of altruism as spirituality has told you is the foundation of a spiritual life for thousands of years. There is no right or wrong any more. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Monthly Oracle for February from Hay House

From Wisdom of the Elders Oracle by Shawn Leonard 29 Sacred Journey Transformation. Butterfly teaches us that we are on a sacred journey. We have a unique and individual path, with distinct challenges. Sometimes we must struggle, but in the end, we achieve spiritual growth. Butterfly will change and evolve, and will be beautiful because of that transformation. This is symbolic of the sacred journey where we gain immeasurable levels of wisdom and knowledge. The gift we earn through the hardships are that we become more spiritual. What can you gain from this lesson? What can you learn from this experience?  Changes are inevitable. Embrace the teachings of butterfly and transform effortlessly. Take note of the cycles and patterns. Are you currently in an egg stage, possibly giving birth to some new area of life? A caterpillar phase, requiring a major decision to be made? Are you presently wrapped in a cocoon nurturing and developing the changes taking place? Or have you reached your metamorphosis and are being called to break out of your shell and show the world your true self?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

How to Make a Vision Board

You can skip the advert at the beginning of the video.

Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them!

Creating a vision board is probably one of the most valuable visualization tools available to you. This powerful tool serves as your image of the future - a tangible representation of where you are going. It represents your dreams, your goals, and your ideal life.
Because your mind responds strongly to visual stimulation-by representing your goals with pictures and images-you will actually strengthen and stimulate your emotions...  and your emotions are the vibrational energy that activates the Law of Attraction. The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words,” certainly holds true here.
If you have already defined your dreams, it’s time to illustrate them visually.

Anger Management

  Anger is a natural emotion which humans and animals feel for a number of reasons, such as a result of injustice. However, it is also very common when a threat is perceived - the fight or flight response, either run away or turn and fight the perceived opponent. Often these reactions are aggressive, and can make an already difficult situation even more difficult. There are many ways to deal with angry feelings. Often underneath the anger are feelings of grief and fear. If you are an angry person, relax and deal with the situation at a later time when you are not overwhelmed by what is happening. Learning a few simple steps can put an end to over-reacting.