Friday, November 10, 2023

Kathleen Ball PhD - Templars in Brazil

Dr Ball has been filming in Alto Paraiso de Goias for the second season of her discovery of 700 year old hand carved caves that reveal the presence of the Poor Soldier Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon in this extraordinary region. She has met tribal people from the area who have ancestors amongst this ancient order of knights.
The first series won many awards and was acclaimed by prestigious organisations for highlighting aspects of the unknown history of this area and harmony amongst nations.   
She is also raising awareness of the difficulties facing these people who live close to the land and who suffer many deprivations. 
For more information, read on: 
 "My name is Kathleen Ball and I live in California. My qualifications are a doctorate in Metaphysical Science, I hold two Masters degrees in Fine Art (Sculpture) and Metaphysical Science (World Religions) and two Bachelor degrees in Fine Art and Religious Studies. I'm a retired Art Professor from Columbia Community College and Los Rios College District where I taught Anatomy for the Artist, Sculpture and multimedia classes for many years. I've been traveling the world for over 40 years exploring and investigating ancient sites and indigenous cave and rock art, temples and the living spaces of ancient peoples. 
"My connection with the Knights Templar goes back to ancestors on my father's side who were Templar Knights from Scotland. I discovered this while researching DNA and Ancestry into my family tree. I have been avid student of Leonardo da Vinci from an early age. I delivered a sculpture to the da Vinci Museum in Vinci, Italy in 2006 that I'd created especially for them and I took a group of students on the da Vinci's trail from Italy into France. In France, I discovered da Vinci's rumored connection with the Priory de Sion which, in my further searches, led me to the Knights Templar. Apparently, it is said that Leonardo was a Grand Master of an organization which was an offshoot of the Knights Templar and he was interested in furthering the Templars' agendas. So in essence, you could say that I was reintroduced to the Templars via Leonardo da Vinci - my virtual mentor and teacher! I later traveled again to France with my husband in 2009, and while visiting the Grotto in Domme, the museum representative gave us access to the dungeon where the Templars were imprisoned prior to their deaths in 1307. I studied the graffiti they'd left behind and took numerous photographs. 

"So, I fast forward to a healing pilgrimage to Abadiania, Brazil in August of 2015. I'd arrived in Brasilia a few days earlier to meet with my friend Adele Goode, and we decided to venture up to the Chapada National Forest to see a few of the magnificent natural waterfalls in that area. As it was getting late, we had to cancel our Pousade (motel) reservations and find somewhere close to stay before evening. The towns in this area are rare, and we didn't want to be without shelter. We began  to google search and we found a little town called Alto Paraiso, which means High Paradise. I said, "That's it! That's where we're staying!"
"The following morning, I ventured out alone into the town to ask how we could secure a guide to take us to the waterfalls. The next day Adele and I headed out to Agua Fria, one of the closest of these ancient sites that are used by locals as spiritual places to meditate and pray. The area is inhabited by people from all over the world, drawn to the beauty and the energy of this area. Our guide Fernando, (owner of the camping Pousada) instructed us on how to hike the 5km path to the water fall, which we did. The Falls are magnificent and it became clear why these sites had been frequented by people for thousands of years. As we ascended, our climb to return to the camping Pousada, Fernando joined us and invited us to lunch. During our conversation, he mentioned a solid quartz wall extending approx 4-5km and about a metre high that ran through the middle of the adjacent property, and asked us if we'd like to see it.  He also mentioned that the road leading into this property was riddled with natural crystals. "Absolutely", we both replied. So off we went on what was to be a discovery of a life time!

"We drove over to the property and met with Liomar, our guide as we hiked down another 3-4 km to the quartz wall and were rewarded with thousands of smaller crystals strewn all over the area and we gathered a few. Arriving at the quartz wall, it was hot and Liomar asked us if we'd like to rest in an old cave where the "Old Women" used to pray. We agreed, and once again we set off into the vast Brazilian wilderness. We hiked another 2-3km and as Liomar pushed back the brush in front of a cave, I was shocked to see a Knights Templar cross carved into the rock above the opening. And, it looked exactly like ones I'd seen earlier on my trip to Domme, in the dungeon, which were also carved by Templar Knights. I began photographing the cave and conducted a short video interview with Liomar regarding the site, which I later had translated in 2019. 

"We were expected in Abadiania, so I decided to divide up my remaining time in Brazil so five days later, I returned to Alto Paraiso on my own and conducted interviews with the locals to find out what I could about this cave. According to stories of the locals, the Templars had come to the area looking for gold, and an area to colonize after they were disbanded in France. Many were forced to Scotland and Portugal. I was given the names of several historians that I might interview on this subject but unfortunately, I'd have to do this on a later trip to Brazil due to time constraints. 

"The Templars, as is well known, owned most of the ships during the 12-14th centuries, and commanded the most powerful and organized fighting armies and sailing crews, and had amassed a huge fortune and were being persecuted by both King Philip the Fair and the Catholic Church. They needed lands where they could further their agenda. Given that the cross above the cave is the same style as the ones I'd seen in Domme, I believe that the Templars set out sometime in the early 14th century seeking lands to colonize that weren't dominated by the Catholic Church. They also were reported to have in their possession Phoenician maps which they obtained in the Holy Land. So, they had the means and the motivation to flee Portugal looking for a safe haven. I believe it was during this time that they discovered Brazil and traveled inland with the Amazonian tribes, who still migrate from the coastal areas into the Alto Paraiso area each year for communal celebrations which I have attended. Seeing this magnificent area, surrounded with waterfalls, palms, guava, huge avocados, mangos and fertile lands, and very moderate weather, not to mention the spiritual energy left by the ancients who frequented the area for thousands of years, and also gold, I think they settled here with the intention of colonizing the area. 

"After several attempts to return to Brazil in 2017, and finally in 2018, I was able to rediscover the cave after the area had been decimated by a huge fire which destroyed the paths to it. It was by intuition and remembering a few landmarks that I was able to relocate the cave in the midst of over 5,000 hectares of Brazilian wilderness. Liomar was no longer available but still was caretaker of the property the cave was situated on, and he had told me that the land had been sold to a mineral company whose owners had been trying to secure mineral rights to the land. They weren't successful however, and in 2018 the property was put up for sale again, and I was allowed to return.  After numerous all day hikes to the area, I once again was able to rediscover the cave with my photographer and translator, Trajano Paiva who I had been introduced to by several of my local friends in Alto Paraiso. Trajano. He owned the Pousada so was able to arrange interviews for me with three very important sources, who corroborated that this area was indeed colonized by the  Templars, many of whose descendants still remained. One such person was Joao Batista Ramos, a Mason and Templar descendant who I had met on my 2017 trip to the area. I was to discover he was a descendant and had built the Camelot Pousada in the outskirts of Alto Paraiso in remembrance to Grail legend. Joao was a wealth of information on the Templars presence in the area. He had done extensive research into the Templars arrival in what he believed was the early to middle 1300s. Trajano also introduced me to Luis Salvi another historian from the University of Brasilia who again corroborated the story of the Templars travels to this area in Brazll, and why they were there. I later met and interviewed another source, Leonia, the great, great, great, grand daughter of a ship's Captain who came to Moinho, not far from Alto Paraiso, in the 1500s and bought property that she believed was Templar land. I found an old mill wheel with an iron axe, typical of early 1300s, that she claimed was there on her property when her grandfather arrived. 

"Since my discovery and rediscovery of the cave, I have, with the help of my producers at 'Unusual Accomplishments', just completed a documentary 'The Templars in Brazil' which we're marketing now and should be released later this year or early 2021. I addition, for those interested, we have set up a website that hosts a trailer of my documentary and information on some of the experts such as Freddy Silva, a Templar expert in England, Joao Ramos, Luis Salvi from Brazil and Joao Feindeiro from Portugal. 

This is the YouTube channel hyperlink to Templars in Brazil: 
And this is the Facebook hyperlink to The Templars in Brazil: 
Website plus contact form: 

Dr Kathleen Ball is available for radio show and magazine interviews. 

"My book is released, dedicated to this discovery titled 'The Templars in Brazil'. 
"This discovery has become a life changing experience that has propelled me into further in-depth research into the history and background of the Templars, their agenda and how they still impact our lives today. We have produced this documentary with the idea that it will be a pilot film for a series. I have traveled to Turkey, France, Scotland, Greece and Portugal since this discover documenting Templar artifacts, castles and commanderies. I have plans to venture into Jerusalem, Ethiopia, Sardinia, Malta and return to the UK, and France to further investigate leads that I've researched so I can bring yet, uncovered, Templar History to light.  During my research in the Rosicrucian library here in San Jose, I've uncovered some very interesting links to the Templars in the early 1100s to a little known band of Knights created during the building of the second Temple in Jerusalem in the 5th century BC. 

The photo is of Dr Ball and her husband just a few days after the rediscovery of the Templar cave in 2018 showing the vast terrain in the area of the cave.

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