Monday, April 3, 2023

Card Reading for April

From Tarot of the Old Path by Sylvia Gainsford and Howard Rodway, here is the card of Justice, number XI. Kim Tracey contributed to this creation. We see a judge holding scales in one hand, and the rune of Tiwas in the other hand. The scales represent a balanced mind, truth and sound judgment. The card denotes higher rationality, fair hearing and balanced decision, the rule of law, the spiritual warrior, peacekeeping, a righteous cause, and the sacrifice of the self for the wellbeing of others. The crane, seen in display with wings outstretched. This is an ancient Greek symbol of peace and prosperity. A story tells us of a thief who attacked a poet and left him for dead. The victim called out to a passing crane who followed the thief and hovered over him until he confessed to the crime. The crane rules for a span of 1000 years.

From Rackham Tarot, I have chosen Ace of Cups. From the insert: "A gift of love. A sacred promise. Blessings pouring forth. Nourishment from spiritual sources as well as earthly delights." Here we see a woman deep in prayer/meditation/focus/thought. She bows her head in reverence to the sacred container she holds in her hands. She radiates power and light which she gains from the experience of this moment's encounter. This Holy Grail represents a spiritual person, a path or a power. This card leads the way to a change of life, but only if you dedicate yourself to the wisdom that you are shown.

Little is known  about the origins of April Fools Day but the tradition is certainly several hundred years old. We begin this astrological time of Aries on 20th March at the spring equinox, and hence begin a new phase, embarking on springtime in a positive and cheerful manner. We see the birds singing for a mate, building their nests, and we feel the increasing warmth of the sunshine bringing the flowers to bloom. This all gives us a sense of joy. Here in the Lo Scarabeo tarot deck, we see the Fool stepping out in his green clothing, his head in the air as he embarks on a new lease of life after the cold, dark winter months. His loyal dog is at his heels running along beside him. What could happen? Could he trip? Could someone cheat him? Not if he is a wise fool who thinks ahead! 

Reading by Wendy Stokes Visit:

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