Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The chant of 'OM'

The word 'om' has several meanings:
  • The Sound of All Sounds
  • The Sound of the Universe
  • The Sound of Creation
  • The Beginning of Life
It contains 4 separate parts: ah-oh-mmm and silence. 

Sit comfortably with your back straight. Inhale. On the exhalation begin chanting 'om' . Pause, inhale and exhale and chant again in a regular rhythm and without strain.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Indigenous Kogi Shamans

Perhaps you have never heard of the Kogi people or knew that they regard themselves as the Elder Brothers to the rest of the world? However, the leaders of this tribe from Colombia, who are known as the “Mamas,” spoke out in a BBC documentary back in 1990. From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers’ Warning was directed by Alan Ereira, and was made as an urgent message for the people of the world, in the hope that big changes would be made.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Grail - Relic of an Ancient Religion

Article written by the author, Simon Andrew Stirling: 
“The Grailwas written by me with an unspoken idea ever in mind – that paganism is the belief system of the future. Modern paganism is often a reaction to organised religion, with its intolerance and inconsistencies, and to the destructive materialism of a capitalist world.  The paganism practised by earlier societies was nothing less than a matter of survival.  Without water, for example, we die very quickly.  Along with those other elements – air, fire, earth – water, clean drinking water, is an absolute must.  And yet our attitudes to water are odd: we have commercialised it, privatised it, polluted it and treated it with chemicals.  Ever since shrines were de-sacralised during the Reformation, water has been nothing but a commodity.  An early pagan would be unable to comprehend our reckless behaviour towards the water we need to survive.